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"The children (…) had (…) been cared for in an institution with (…) an outstanding programme of medical prevention. Babies (…) were each kept in their own little cubicles to prevent the spread of epidemic infection. Their only contacts with adults occurred during those few hurried moments when they were dressed, changed, or fed by the nurses. These nurses had neither training nor time and resources to offer love and attention to a large group of babies. (…) [A]lmost complete social isolation during th[e] first year of life, (…) and [an] only slight enrichment of experiences that followed in the next two years. (Goldfarb 1947, p. 456)[1]
- Frank C. P. van der Horst, et al. (2008). Loneliness In Infancy: Harry Harlow, John Bowlby And Issues Of Separation. Integr Psych Behav. | Arşiv Bağlantısı