Aslinda tuylari beyazdir, fakat yumurtanin sarisindaki pigmentler den dolayi yumurtadan ciktiklarinda saridir. Sonra genetik yedikleri cevre sartlari gibi nedenlerlden renkleri degisir.
Why Are Chicks Yellow?
It would make sense to wonder if the yellow yolk on your breakfast plate has something to do with why chicks are yellow, and I wondered the same thing myself and what exactly does domestication of certain animals have to do with chicks being yellow?
Just as not all eggs, even chicken eggs, are white, nor are all chicks hatched yellow. Genetics can play a huge part in that, as does the domestication of the chicken. From Easter Eggers to the Rhode Island Reds, there is such diversity in the chicken gene pool that you could end up with any color chicken, depending on the parents, and that is the fun of genetics.
- Yazar Yok. The Hip Chick. (13 Temmuz 2020). Alındığı Tarih: 13 Temmuz 2020. Alındığı Yer: Bağlantı | Arşiv Bağlantısı