Today : Sep 22, 2024
Arts & Culture
22 September 2024

George Underwood Honors David Bowie Through Art Fundraiser

Childhood friend leads charity exhibition to benefit War Child during significant Bowie anniversary

David Bowie's vibrant legacy continues to spark interest and admiration even years after his passing, and now, as the world remembers this iconic figure, the spotlight shines on George Underwood, his childhood friend and artistic collaborator. Underwood is leading the way for War Child, organizing a benefit art exhibition and auction at 180 Studios in London on September 26 and 27, 2024, which seeks to aid children affected by conflicts around the globe.

The exhibition titled "Sound & Vision" showcases artwork from 33 contemporary artists, all inspired by the lyric from Bowie's hit song "Rebel Rebel"—"We like dancing, and we look divine." This tribute coincides with the 50th anniversary of Bowie's influential Diamond Dogs album, which remains one of his classics. It's not just about celebrating Bowie's rich musical impact, but also about intertwining art with humanitarian efforts, reflecting Bowie’s lifelong dedication to activism.

Underwood's connection to Bowie runs deep; they’ve shared ties since childhood when they first met as young boys at the Cubs, bonding over their shared love for music and fashion. "We were always good friends, trying to chat up all the girls," Underwood recalls with fondness. This camaraderie was not without its misadventure, such as the infamous incident when Underwood accidentally left Bowie with mismatched eyes. The story goes back to their teenage years when they found themselves vying for the attention of the same girl, Carol.

During this rivalry, Underwood punched Bowie during recess at school, inadvertently causing Bowie’s left pupil to be permanently dilated. Initially, Underwood reflected on this moment with regret, but Bowie later joked about it, calling it somewhat of a favor since it contributed to his unique and enigmatic look. “It’s just horrible,” Underwood said, recalling the fateful punch. “I didn’t like it at the time. But of course later on, lo and behold, he says I did him a favor because it’s [given him] this enigmatic, otherworldly look.”

From those tumultuous teenage years, Underwood has continuously celebrated his friend’s artistic spirit, as he was the one who crafted covers for Bowie's early masterpieces like Hunky Dory and Ziggy Stardust. These visual representations contributed significantly to the imagistic aspects of Bowie’s public persona, allowing fans to connect with the music on another level.

While the legacies of both men are intertwined, Underwood also forged his path as both painter and musician. His work has extended beyond Bowie, with designs for other major artists, including T. Rex. "I just hope Bowie was proud of what I did for him and how well he embraced art through music,” Underwood expressed thoughtfully.

Notably, Underwood reminisced about the time Bowie invited him on tour during the height of his fame. When Bowie became Ziggy Stardust, his alter ego characterized by flamboyant outfits and otherworldly performances, Underwood was swept along, the musical tides reaching far beyond their Bromley beginnings. While he declined to join Bowie for extensive tours, Underwood’s ties to pop culture have never waned.

Through the years, both Underwood and Bowie have evolved, but the art exhibition serves not only as homage to their unique friendship but also as the connective tissue binding their shared experiences together. The upcoming fundraiser will include work by other acclaimed artists alongside Underwood’s paintings, infusing contemporary creativity with Bowie's innovative legacy. Artists taking part include Ishbel Myerscough, Joseph Dupré, and Patrick Hughes, showcasing how Bowie’s influence continues to inspire professionals across the creative spectrum.

Reflecting on Bowie's penchant for not only music but artistry speaks volumes about his persona; he understood the power of imagery alongside sound. “David Bowie was aware of not just the power of sound but also image – what you see – vision!” noted Harland Miller, another artist involved with the exhibit. This awareness resonates throughout Bowie's work and has left footprints across the worlds of music and visual art, echoing his unyielding dedication to weaving stories through varied mediums.

Following the launch of the exhibition, there will be online auctions for Bowie enthusiasts wishing to own original art reflecting the night’s theme, extending from September 17 through October 1, giving fans and art collectors alike the opportunity to bid on pieces created with reverence for Bowie’s legacy.

David Bowie's impact on the music world is irrefutable; his innovative spirit and artistic fearlessness have created ripples well beyond his lifetime. The importance of events like George Underwood’s Sound & Vision exhibition lies not only in generating support for underprivileged children caught between conflicts but also forging connections between art and music inspired by the legend himself. Celebratory initiatives like these reinforce the notion of continuity within culture: Bowie may have departed, but his influence lingers, igniting creativity and passion among artists and admirers worldwide.

"He was just great to be with, always fun to be with,” Underwood said, reflecting on their friendship. With Underwood stepping forth as the custodian of Bowie's memory through this charity event, it's clear the legacy continues to thrive, demonstrating the power of art to inspire change where it’s desperately needed.

The spirit of David Bowie lives on through works inspired by his creativity and his commitment to making the world just a little brighter through music and activism. And as fans gear up for this unique exhibition, they have the remarkable opportunity not only to appreciate Bowie's contributions but also to help give back to those who need it most.

So whether you’re drawn to the melodies of Rebel Rebel echoing through time or the vibrant art it has inspired, this exhibition serves as both homage and call for action, inviting one and all to join the dance for a cause.

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