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21 March 2025

Yili Indonesia Delivers Joy Through Ice Cream During Ramadan

Through a series of community engagements, Yili aims to spread happiness among underprivileged children this Ramadan.

In the spirit of giving and sharing happiness during the holy month of Ramadan, PT Yili Indonesia Dairy (Yili) collaborated with the Bekasi Regional Government and other social stakeholders to carry out a series of Ramadan activities across schools, orphanages, and other social places.

This initiative is part of Yili's corporate social responsibility program aimed at bringing joy to children, especially those who are less fortunate. With support from local government and various social partners, these activities target a wider range of beneficiaries in diverse locations.

Yu Miao, the President Director of PT Yili Indonesia Dairy, expressed that “Ramadan is a blessed time, where we are invited to share happiness and strengthen bonds. In this breaking of the fast event, we sent ice cream to about 1,500 students in schools and over 2,000 orphans from various orphanages. With the support of the local government and various parties, we hope this activity not only provides the sweetness of our ice cream but also contributes positively to strengthening relations among ourselves, both internally and with the surrounding community.”

The distribution of ice cream occurred in several schools and orphanages involving volunteers from Yili, representatives from local government, and social communities. This event was not just about sharing but also aimed at strengthening the bond between the business community, government, and the public to create a positive social impact.

Mr. H.Iyan Priyatna, Head of the Bekasi Tourism Office, noted, “The breaking of the fast event held together with PT Yili Indonesia Dairy represents a remarkable example of social concern. We strongly support this initiative, which not only strengthens brotherhood ties but also provides a positive impact for children and the surrounding community. Through this breaking of the fast event, children can learn about the importance of sharing, enhance their sense of solidarity, and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood, especially during this blessed month of Ramadan.”

Yu Miao further added, “Children are the primary consumers of JOYDAY ice cream. Therefore, we always prioritize children. Last Ramadan, we held a social program with YKAI for children with cancer. In addition, we also sent learning tools such as laptops to students in Sukamukti village, Bojongmangu district. To date, we have implemented more than 30 social welfare and care activities in Indonesia, with the cumulative number of beneficiaries reaching one million people.”

For many years, Yili Indonesia will continue carrying out social activities, giving back to the community, and actively engaging with local communities, delivering health and deliciousness to more consumers through tangible actions that spread love and warmth.

Yili Group is the largest dairy company in Asia and has managed to maintain a leading position for eleven consecutive years. This is reflected in Yili's position among the top 5 global dairy brands in 2022. As a consumer-oriented company, Yili continues to offer high-quality products and services for everyone while empowering them to lead a healthier lifestyle, with the goal of becoming the world's most trusted healthy food provider.

Yili is highly active in the dairy product market and is confident in its ability to maintain a leading position across all categories including liquid milk, powdered milk, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, and more. Its product portfolio continues to expand to provide more nutrition and health benefits for all age groups in their daily lives. Currently, the company has 15 research and innovation centers and 81 production bases worldwide. Its products are marketed in over 60 countries and regions.