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13 February 2025

Wysocka-Schnepf And Nawrocki Receive 2024 Hiena Roku Award

Polish journalists criticized for abandoning ethical standards in controversial program on Rydzyk funding.

The Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskich (SDP) has awarded the notorious 2024 Hiena Roku (Hyena of the Year) to journalists Dorota Wysocka-Schnepf and Grzegorz Nawrocki, members of the now-defunct TVP Info, for their program entitled "Czy PiS odpowie za finansowanie Rydzyka?" (Will PiS Answer for Financing Rydzyk?). The episode aired on October 10, 2024, as part of the series "Niebezpieczne związki" (Dangerous Connections).

According to the SDP, the recipients of the anti-award have violated numerous fundamental principles of journalism. Their program reportedly disregarded the necessary respect for truth and the public's right to know. “Wspomniane osoby naruszyły prawie wszystkie zasady, jakie winni przestrzegać dziennikarze. Są one zapisane w polskiej i międzynarodowej Karcie Etyki Dziennikarskiej. Dziennikarstwo jest służbą społeczeństwu. Tymczasem autorzy programu zlekceważyli obowiązek szacunku dla prawdy i prawo opinii publicznej – odbiorców telewizji do poznania prawdy,” stated the SDP.

Alongside criticisms about the program’s content, the SDP noted the lack of journalistic integrity when it came to sourcing information. The union emphasized, “Autorzy nie zachowali zasady rzetelności w zbieraniu i publikowaniu informacji oraz prawa do bezstronnego komentowania. Program zbudowali na rzekomych faktach, które w rzeczywistości nie miały miejsca. Nie podali też żadnych źródeł swoich informacji,” reinforcing the idea of accountability within journalism.

The awarding of the Hiena Roku draws attention to the importance of ethical journalism and the consequences faced by those who violate such principles. This award has been bestowed sporadically since 1999, targeting individuals whose work is characterized by severe unreliability and negligence toward journalistic ethics.

Notably, this is not the first time Grzegorz Nawrocki has received this negative accolade. He was awarded the same title back in 2001 for another piece titled "Dramat w trzech aktach" (Drama in Three Acts). This pattern of awarding highlights the continuing concerns about the ethical standards maintained by some journalists.

The controversy surrounding Wysocka-Schnepf and Nawrocki’s program has also sparked complaints to the Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji (National Broadcasting Council). The broader conversation around journalistic integrity has led many to reflect on the media's role as the public’s advocate and commentator on significant societal issues.

This incident has initiated discussions among industry professionals and audiences alike about the responsibilities journalists hold. These discussions underline the necessity to uphold rigorous standards of truthfulness and responsibility.

Organizations like the SDP play a pivotal role by affirming journalistic ethics and holding their members or affiliated journalists accountable when they deviate from these standards.

Wysocka-Schnepf’s career has been tightly intertwined with public broadcasting, and her connections—including being the wife of ambassador Ryszard Schnepf—add layers to her media identity. Under changing political environments, her journalistic pursuits have evolved as she has adapted to trends and challenges within Polish media.

The events surrounding the 2024 Hiena Roku Award bring realization of how integral ethical adherence is to journalism's stature and efficacy. Missteps from journalists can degrade public trust, highlighting the necessity for transparency and accountability.

While freedom of speech remains sacred, it must coexist with responsibility to deliver accurate, substantiated information to the public. The attention drawn by the 2024 Hiena Roku serves as a reminder of these values, and the continuing scrutiny of journalistic practices is indicative of society’s expectation for integrity.

Reflecting on this award sheds light on the broader consequences for journalists and media personnel; maintaining their ethical compass is not just about personal success but about preserving the credibility of the profession as a whole.