On January 7, 2025, the iconic Nippon Budokan venue teemed with energy as White Tails, the six-member game streaming group, hosted their highly anticipated event, "SSS in Budokan." This event marked both their first and last New Year’s party, taking place right before the group announced their hiatus. Despite being the culmination of their years of popular YouTube gaming activities, tickets sold out rapidly, indicating the group’s immense fanbase. Attendees included middle and high school students as well as families, excitedly gathering to witness this unique gathering.
"Happy New Year!" was how Nakamu enthusiastically opened the event, greeting the eager audience. This simple phrase belied the emotional depth of the occasion, as it represented more than just the start of another year; it highlighted White Tails' growth and shared experiences with their fans. Nakamu also explained the essence of this gathering: “This is the first and the last time we've had this New Year’s party,” reflecting the group’s bond and the significance this event held.
The evening's theme revolved around puzzle-solving competitions where members competed to win high-quality ingredients for their hot pot dinner. The excitement was palpable as Nakamu laid down the ground rules: “The condition to have the best hot pot is to successfully complete the games,” effectively merging gaming with culinary delight and igniting competitive spirits among members and fans.
One of the highlights was the interactive nature of the puzzles, inviting audience participation and creating moments of sheer joy and laughter. Nakamu guided the group through the games, whilst the energy level soared when his fellow members—including Broooock, Sharkun, Kintoki, Smile, and Kiriyan—collaborated and playfully bantered as they tackled challenges together. Their comradeship was evident—a feature of their dynamic seen throughout the event.
The day kicked off with the first round of puzzles, known as "Shokotoboku" (writing challenges), demanding creative expression from the members as they energetically attempted to scribble kanji characters on oversized sheets of paper. "It may not look perfect, but it’s got heart!" Smile exclaimed, sparking giggles, not just from the audience but also from the members themselves.
The laughter continued with the next game, “Nazo-tokimikuji,” where the group deciphered riddles associated with colored omikuji (fortune slips). The energetic competition intensified as the group passionately worked together, drawing the audience's attention as they collaborated and cheered each other on.
The events unfolded with infectious enthusiasm, leading to collective victories. Members and fans alike reveled as the team succeeded not only by earning ingredients like negi (leeks) and yuba (tofu skin) but also by cultivating memorable interactions. The atmosphere brimming with shouts of encouragement and communal spirit reflected the group’s ethos.
Finally, Nakamu stirred anticipation with his announcement, "You can look forward to the video of six of us enjoying after the event." He explained how this would allow fans to actively partake in the gathering, even if second-hand through later content, allowing the community to remain intertwined.
The triumphant conclusion came with festivities concluding on high, with Nakamu thanking fans for their unwavering support and encouragement over the years. He announced, “Over the next two days, we’ll give it our all!” as the vibrant and packed audience erupted with applause.
Before the lights dimmed for the last time, the Monitors displayed the farewell message: “The first and the best New Year party,” wrapping up the emotional celebration. The significance of the moment was felt deeply, transformed by the joy emanated throughout the Nippon Budokan.