On December 23, the much-anticipated television special titled ‘Do You Still Like Me?’ will air, featuring one of showbiz's most beloved couples, Wakasugi Tomoharu and Kusumoto Miki, as the MCs. This engaging program, which begins at 11:15 PM on TV-Asahi, promises to explore the sentiments of love and friendship through moving stories of people who muster the courage to express their feelings for their significant others.
The charm of Wakasugi and Kusumoto lies not only in their entertaining chemistry but also in their genuine approach to relationships, which has captured the hearts of many fans over their 16 years of marriage. The couple, celebrated for their affectionate bond, will be guiding viewers through narratives filled with warmth, laughter, and perhaps even some tears.
Among the stories to be showcased is the touching tale of Akai Hidekazu and his wife, who are set to celebrate their 31st wedding anniversary. They will go on their first date together after 30 years, rekindling the romance and memories of their youth. Their experiences reflect on how the passage of time can sometimes dampen communication and affection, yet how moments of vulnerability can breathe new life back to love.
Kusumoto was visibly moved during the discussions about their love stories, stating, “It made me feel incredibly happy,” illustrating her deep emotional connection to their experiences. This resonates with the theme of the show, which emphasizes the importance of expressing feelings and being open with loved ones.
Soon after, Wakasugi brought forth his sentimental perspective, commenting on the beauty of relationships, saying, “People really are lovely,” which succinctly captures the supportive atmosphere they seek to create within the show.
The program takes on the challenge of delving deep not only through romantic relationships but also the challenges faced by individuals dealing with their personal secrets. One poignant segment features a university student who has struggled to come out as LGBTQ to his close friend. His brave decision to share his truth on camera serves as both poignant and powerful, inviting viewers to reflect on their journeys to self-acceptance and open communication.
The show is structured to inspire the audience, blending moments of humor with heartfelt interactions. Wakasugi and Kusumoto’s light-hearted banter serves as a backdrop to the more serious segments, maintaining engagement and ensuring the emotional weight does not become overwhelming.
Many viewers have expressed admiration for the show's ability to showcase real-life stories, believing it aids individuals struggling with similar issues. By airing stories of ordinary people facing remarkable challenges, the program stands out as both entertaining and educational.
With its heartwarming narratives and the magnetic charm of Wakasugi and Kusumoto, ‘Do You Still Like Me?’ is poised to be more than just another couple's variety show—it aims to capture the essence of human connection.
Expectations are high, and feedback from prior episodes has been overwhelmingly positive, with audiences appreciating the depth and sincerity infused throughout the storytelling.
Tune in on December 23 to see how these emotional stories of love and friendship intertwine under the guidance of Wakasugi and Kusumoto, providing not just entertainment but also motivation for viewers to speak from the heart.