Vietnam has embarked on an ambitious digital transformation initiative, targeting both municipal and local governance structures. With the Ministry of Information and Communications leading the charge, the government has laid out clear criteria and methods to assess the extent of this transformation, which seeks to modernize public administration and improve the citizen experience.
On December 31, 2021, the Ministry issued Decision No. 2361/QĐ-BTTTT, which set forth the framework for evaluating the levels of digital transformation at the municipal and local levels. This framework was created to help local authorities design their strategies for digital transition based on the unique needs and conditions within their districts and communes.
The criteria's primary objective is to orient these local activities toward enhancing quality, efficacy, and accessibility of administrative services. Essentially, the government aims to equip local authorities with the necessary tools and guidelines to effectively implement digital technologies. By doing so, they hope to optimize governance, refine administrative operations, and significantly improve service delivery to citizens.
According to the Ministry of Information and Communications, "The criteria framework includes two levels: municipal and local." Evaluations are based on how well regions meet the established criteria, which are devised to reflect the nation's goals outlined in several government decisions on digital transformation moving forward.
For municipalities, the framework breaks down the criteria to encompass various facets of digital transformation. Each level consists of specific groups, including digital government initiatives, digital economy measures, and social applications of technology. Local governments are expected to rate their levels of implementation across five distinct stages, starting from 'Initiation' all the way to 'Comprehensive' transformation.
The proposed rating system includes:
- Level 1 - Initiation: Digital initiatives are just starting, with limited technology applications.
- Level 2 - Connection: Initial connections are made to larger networks, with some efficacy observed.
- Level 3 - Basic: Achievements are seen with respect to digital objectives.
- Level 4 - Advanced: Significant strides have been made, aligning with national strategies by the year 2025.
- Level 5 - Comprehensive: Digital transformation is fully integrated and effectively enhances local socio-economic development.
It's worth noting, as one local government representative highlighted, "Local authorities need to connect effectively to national digital transformation strategies" to thrive under this new framework. This reinforces the idea of cohesive alignment between national and local efforts as fundamental to the success of digital initiatives across Vietnam.
Aside from enhancing operational efficiency, the initiative outlines the importance of changing the mindset surrounding digital technology among public sector workers. The Ministry's initiative is also aimed at raising awareness of the roles and responsibilities involved for local officials and public employees concerning digital transformation efforts.
By fostering strong leadership and accountability among these groups, authorities aspire to create exemplary institutions and inspire individual role models dedicated to successful transformation. These efforts resonate with the broader objectives of Vietnam's socio-economic strategy, which envisions bolstering the nation's global competitiveness.
Critically, the framework will serve as both a benchmark and guiding document for local governments as they work to refine and implement their digital strategies. Each criterion will provide measurable goals, ensuring municipalities work toward standardized outcomes aligned with national policies.
The push for digital transformation is not only about modernization; it’s also about integrating technology and improving everyday life for citizens. Enhancements are expected to manifest across various sectors, paving the way for improved governance, streamlined services, and responsive civic participation.
With Vietnam poised for rapid digital adoption, stakeholders express optimism about the potential for transformative change this initiative might inspire. Coupled with local governmental efforts, this program could significantly bolster the performance of public administration, thereby contributing to Vietnam's broader socio-economic development goals.
Looking forward, the anticipated impacts of this framework are likely to be extensive, touching every aspect of governance and citizen interaction. It's evident the Vietnamese government recognizes the pressing need for digital evolution, making these initiatives fundamental to the nation's progress.
With this foundation laid down, Vietnam takes definitive strides toward embracing fully realize its digital potential, ensuring it does not fall behind as global trends accelerate. The future of Vietnam's digital transformation looks promising, bringing the promise of enhanced governance and more engaged citizenry.