On January 4, 2025, the popular reality show Star Academy saw the unexpected elimination of student Ulysse, who narrowly missed reaching the semifinals. The news was met with disappointment from fans and fellow contestants alike, particularly as Ulysse had been nominated seven times throughout the competition. Following his exit, Ulysse shared his thoughts with Télé-Loisirs, expressing mixed feelings about leaving so close to the semifinals.
Ulysse reflected on his experience during the show and the support he received from his fellow competitors. "It's true, I feel disappointed to leave before the semifinals because you think maybe you have a chance to win when you reach this stage. But I am still very happy!" he stated, highlighting how meeting various artists and participating in masterclasses contributed positively to his experience.
One of the most impactful moments for Ulysse came from his singing instructor, Sofia Morgavi. After his elimination, she told him, "You have a truly unique tone among all the students, and when you sing, it moves me. It’s certain you'll do great things afterward." Ulysse described her words as uplifting, stating, "It really helped me because I struggled with self-confidence. It really boosted me," hinting at his aspirations for a future career in music.
Earlier, just hours after his departure, Ulysse sent a message of encouragement to his friend and finalist, Charles. He expressed his hopes for Charles to win the competition, reinforcing the camaraderie among contestants who are all vying for the grand prize of €100,000 and a recording contract.
Meanwhile, the competition continues among the remaining finalists, including Franck, Marine, and Ebony, as they prepare for the thrilling semifinal rounds scheduled for January 11, 2025. The stakes are high, and only one will make it to the final showdown.
On January 6, 2025, amid the preparations, students attended singing lessons with Morgavi, featuring surprise guest Amir. The presence of the popular artist seemed to inspire both excitement and nervousness among the finalists. During the session, Amir congratulated the remaining students for making it this far, acknowledging the challenges they face. "I am honored to see you all. It must not be easy, and I can only guess the emotional and mental pressures you deal with," he remarked.
The atmosphere during the singing class was electric, as students expressed their surprise and happiness at Amir's arrival. Marine exclaimed, "Oh wow!" upon seeing the star, and Charles echoed her sentiments, stating, "I’m thrilled to have him here!" Amir's visit included sharing vocal techniques and encouraging the students to focus more on their passion than technical skills during performances. He reassured them, saying, "I’m here to learn too. When I get on stage, I barely think about technique. Just let your heart and soul lead!"
This week’s classes focus on both entertainment and learning, pushing the candidates to refine their talents. The finalists will get evaluated both musically and emotionally as they approach the semifinals.
With the competition narrowing down, the participants are aware of the fierce rivalry and the friendships they have cultivated during their time at the château de Dammarie-les-Lys. Each of them is gearing up for performance week with aspiration and determination, fully aware of the life-changing opportunities awaiting the winner. The fans and viewers alike are waiting eagerly for the semifinal showdown, set to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Star Academy continues to capture the hearts of its audience, showcasing the highs and lows of reality competition. While Ulysse will not progress, his impact on the show will resonate with fans and contestants, pointing to his potential future as he embarks on his next musical chapter.