The life of Stefano Nones Orfei, renowned animal trainer and son of the celebrated Moira Orfei, has been marked by a series of dramatic and intense events. An artist who follows the legacy of his mother, Orfei has dedicated his life to the thrilling yet perilous world of circus performance. Among the memories etched deeply within him are the harrowing tales of two tragic incidents during his career, incidents not only pivotal to his life but also affecting those around him, particularly his family.
One of the most traumatic moments in Orfei’s career occurred during 2006, when he faced one of the most terrifying experiences of his professional life. While cleaning the cages, one of the tigers unexpectedly and violently attacked him. An Indian colleague, who bravely intervened to save Orfei, tragically lost his life due to the injuries sustained during the rescue attempt, passing away two days after the incident. This heartbreaking episode has remained with Orfei, filling him with unparalleled grief yet also deep gratitude toward the colleague who sacrificed himself to save his life.
This fatal event marked only the beginning of Orfei's tumultuous experiences with tigers. Three years later, in 2009, he faced another life-threatening incident during his performance. Again, it was his father, Walter, who came to his rescue. Using a rubber hose, Walter managed to fend off the attacking tigers, saving his son’s life once more. These incidents have left indelible marks on Orfei, both physically and psychologically, emphasizing the dangers intertwined with his profession.
Outside of the circus, Orfei found love and stability with showgirl Brigitta Boccoli. Their meeting took place during the 2006 television show Reality Circus, where they quickly connected. Despite initial difficulties and doubts, the couple built a strong bond. Their first son, Manfredi, was born in 2008, followed by their second son, Brando, born in 2019. The couple faced the challenges of assisted reproduction together, which allowed Boccoli to conceive at the age of 47. Through all these trials and tribulations, their relationship has flourished, proving to be a source of strength for both Orfei and Boccoli.
Brigitta has always been supportive of Orfei, reinforcing their family values as they navigate through the ups and downs of their lives. She has been instrumental not only as his wife but as someone who knows the Orfei family's history and has provided the emotional support he needs, particularly after the tragedies.
Orfei’s life, though punctuated by extraordinary risks as an animal trainer, showcases the experiences of love, support, and resilience. Even with the scars of past challenges—one being the harrowing reminder of the colleague’s sacrifice—Stefano continues to honor his family’s legacy, fueled by the love and foundation he has built with Brigitta and their children.
Reflecting on his experiences, Orfei once noted, "I survived the tiger; I will be the last of the trainers," encapsulating his complex relationship with his profession. Such statements serve as reminders of the constant balancing act present within their lives—a life lived under the bright, captivating lights of the circus, yet alongside the ever-looming threat of danger.
With each new challenge, both as a trainer and as a family man, Orfei showcases the remarkable resilience inherent among circus performers, reminding us all of the sacrifices made behind the scenes to bring joy to audiences worldwide.