Tenkai Ippo and Akiko Kakeko shared intimate insights about their personal and professional lives during their recent appearance on NHK Radio's program, aired on January 2, 2025. The couple, renowned as one of Japan's most beloved duos, discussed the significant changes they have faced since becoming independent from their long-term talent agencies.
Akiko Kakeko, 46, and Tenkai Ippo, 46, reflected on their separate journeys to independence—Akiko leaving Sun's Entertainment after 30 years and Tenkai parting ways with LDH after 16 years. Since then, they have been managing their new agency, "hina," together. Akiko explained, "A lot has changed since we started doing everything ourselves. We now judge everything, from the work we take to how we negotiate our fees." Despite the challenges, Akiko expressed confidence, adding, "We’re gradually figuring it out and it feels like everything is starting to take shape."
The couple highlighted the collaborative nature of their decisions. Tenkai noted, "When offers come, we discuss them but Akiko usually makes the final call." This dynamic shows how their partnership extends benevolently beyond personal life, deeply enriching their professional collaborations.
During the show, the couple also shared humorous anecdotes about their daily life and marriage. Tenkai candidly remarked, "If I have to manage without Akiko, I wouldn’t even know what to eat." This light-hearted commentary not only painted ever-closer bonds but emphasized their dependence on one another, creating buzz among listeners. Co-host Kayako Okubo and Ayako Ito both noticed the couple's incredible rapport, complimenting the lack of typical couple tensions and observing, "You’re truly so well-matched, there's no sign of the typical 'mask couple' here!"
Their mutual support system, particularly around communication, became evident through shared stories of occasional forgetfulness on Tenkai's part. Akiko recounted moments during her job when she would worry about Tenkai, leading to touching phone calls to check on him during her work absence. She laughed, sharing how Tenkai sometimes replied, saying, "Mama isn't home, so I'm just here doing nothing."
Encouraged by the candid nature of their conversation, Tenkai and Akiko's reflections inspired an insight on modern marriage dynamics and collaborative independence. Speaking about their common hobbies, they revealed their shared joy for long drives—one particularly memorable trip from Tokyo to Kobe lasting about seven hours, filled with conversation. Tenkai's innocent comment about how "there’s never enough time with Mama" highlighted the affection and admiration they harbor for one another, with Akiko jokingly noting, "We even make notes to not forget things we need to tell each other!"
Overall, their heartfelt discourse captured the essence of partnership—not just as performers but as life companions facing challenges hand-in-hand. Akiko concluded with optimism for both their relationship and careers, affirming, "We make sure we’re each other’s anchors, and it strengthens daily." The couple's grace, and humor have made them one of the most relatable and inspiring duos among fans, setting positive examples of love and collaboration for the contemporary world.