A tragic incident unfolded on the night of October 14, 2023, at a McDonald's restaurant located at 322 Tokuriki, Kokura Minami Ward, Kitakyushu, where two middle school students were viciously stabbed by a male assailant.
The time was around 8:30 PM when the two students, both 15 years old, had just entered the fast-food outlet and stood at the register to place their orders. Within less than one minute of entering the restaurant, the assailant attacked them with what was reported to be a knife.
The first victim, identified as Sakiya Nakajima, was stabbed once in the abdomen and tragically succumbed to her injuries about 90 minutes later at the hospital. The male student, who remains unnamed, sustained one stab wound to the waist but was conscious and his life was not at risk. He later informed authorities, stating, “全く知らない人に刺された,” which translates to “I was stabbed by someone I completely did not know.”
The suspect, described as being in his forties, approximately 170 cm tall, of medium build, and sporting short brown hair, was last seen wearing grey clothing, black trousers, and yellowish shoes. Eyewitness accounts revealed how the assailant fled the scene shortly after the attack, leaving customers and staff shocked and terrified.
One local resident expressed disbelief at such violence occurring, stating, “この辺でそういう(事件)は聞いたことがない。しかも(被害者が)中学生、怖いですね,” meaning, “I have never heard of such incidents around here, especially with the victims being middle school students. It's frightening.”
Witnesses described the chaotic scene. One man, who claimed to be disposing of trash when he turned and saw Nakajima lying on the floor, recounted, “トレーのごみを捨てて出ようと思い…呼吸の音だけ聞こえた,” indicating he heard only her faint breathing.
Police quickly launched a manhunt for the suspect, establishing a command center to oversee the investigation. They are treating the incident as murder and are urging anyone with information to come forward. The investigators are particularly focused on the suspect’s whereabouts and have analyzed CCTV footage from the restaurant.
The crime scene, situated near the Tokuriki line of the Kitakyushu Monorail, is typically busy, characterized by nearby residential areas and other dining establishments. This horrific event has rattled the local community, prompting calls for increased safety measures not only within fast-food restaurants but throughout public spaces.
Many families live close to the restaurant, and with children often being out during the evening hours, residents have expressed their concerns over safety. Community members have cited the need for increased security measures aimed to prevent similar events from transpiring again.
This incident has drawn attention to the rising issues of youth violence and safety for teenagers, causing local authorities to reassess the need for security protocols, particularly focused on areas frequent by young students.
While the police continue their investigation and search for the suspect, the community mourns the loss of Sakiya Nakajima, whose promising future has been cruelly cut short. Schools are expected to initiate discussions on safety and how students can protect themselves, which is becoming increasingly necessary amid incidents like this.
Despite the challenges facing the community, the priority remains on ensuring the safety of its children, particularly during after-school hours. Light will be shed upon the incident through local forums aimed at discussing community safety, and measures will be proposed at local government levels.
The stab wounds inflicted upon the victims were horrendous but have also sparked conversations on how public spaces can be made safer, especially for vulnerable populations like schoolchildren. The horror of such violence shakes not only those directly involved but also reverberates throughout the community.