On January 11, 2025, actor Suzuki Nobuyuki graced the stage at the Tokyo press conference for the much-anticipated film Salariman Kintaro, alongside prominent co-stars Enoki Takaaki and Fumioto, and director Shimoyama Ten. This event served as both a celebration of the film's release and an opportunity to discuss its themes.
The film, based on the beloved manga series, follows the adventures of Kintaro, portrayed by Suzuki, as he navigates the challenges of being an unconventional salaryman. Suzuki, taking on the role of the third iteration of Kintaro, expressed his joy at the film’s release, stating, "I’m really happy the movie has been released, and I hope it becomes something loved by many." His enthusiasm was palpable, attributing the film's success to the support of the audience.
When prompted by the media about feedback received surrounding the film, Suzuki humorously recounted how he had previously been outed as a heavy smoker at the film's completion preview event. He chuckled as he recalled, "I was outed as a heavy smoker by Ms. Asa no and received lots of reactions from it, which is quite amusing." His ability to take this light-hearted jab added to the jovial atmosphere of the event.
Standing tall at 185 centimeters, Suzuki jokingly mentioned height augmentations due to the special shoes he wore for the event, remarking, "Today, I’m wearing secret boots." This playful admission connected well with fans, showcasing his down-to-earth personality even amid the spotlight.
Overall, the press conference not only highlighted Suzuki’s involvement but also set the tone for the film’s narrative, combining humor with serious undertones characteristic of the original manga. The release is significant as it marks Suzuki's first leading role, following previous portrayals of Kintaro by actors such as Katsunori Takahashi and Hiromitsu Nagai. This continuation of the beloved story tradition aims to capture the hearts of long-time fans and new audiences alike.
With two parts planned, this release focuses on the "Akatsuki" chapter, followed by Salariman Kintaro, scheduled for release on February 7, 2025. The anticipation for Suzuki's performance is building, with hopes riding high for the film’s reception and impact.
The enthusiastic energy during the event reflected the cast's commitment to the project, and Suzuki’s engaging nature only served to amplify the excitement around the film. He concluded by expressing his gratitude for the support and sharing his desire for the film to resonate deeply with viewers.
This blend of personal anecdotes, humor, and serious themes has set the stage for what many hope will be another successful chapter for the beloved character of Kintaro, revitalized through Suzuki's vision and portrayal.