The eagerly awaited anime film "Underninja" is set to hit theaters across Japan on January 24, 2025. This film, based on the popular manga by Kengo Hanazawa, delves deep within the shadows of contemporary life to reveal the existence of hidden ninjas who continue to manipulate events behind the scenes. This adaptation not only promises exciting narratives but also integrates comedic elements and engaging visuals, maintaining the spirit of modern ninja storytelling.
Directed by Yuichi Fukuda, known for his unique ability to blend humor with action, the film features the talents of Kento Yamazaki and Minami Hamabe. Yamazaki takes on the role of Kuro, the lazy ninja who resides in a dilapidated apartment, thrust unexpectedly back to action with the assignment to investigate the enigmatic underground organization known as "Underninja," or "UN." Hamabe plays Ayaka Noguchi, a high school student who gets entangled with Kuro’s misadventures.
Hanazawa, the author of the original manga, recently opened up about the film's development during the release of their special talk show promoting the film. Yamazaki shared his enthusiasm by saying, "I am so happy to play Kuro! I think the finished product is interesting, and I can't wait to show it!" Hamabe chimed in, expressing how quickly the timeline from filming to release has progressed: "The time from filming to release was so quick! I hope the original fans will come out to see it!"
The rich narrative framework of "Underninja" explores themes of secrecy and strength, shedding light on the reincarnation of ninjas within modernity. The film draws on unique concepts, invoking the thought-provoking question: How does one remain hidden amid the ever-watchful eye of society? The answer is revealed through creative storytelling and imaginative character designs, which banter between the comedy and the high-stakes action sequences.
Regarding the blending of genres within the film, Hanazawa commented, "The movie seamlessly blends comedy and action, and I thought it was great! I discussed the sequel with Director Fukuda right after watching it!" This insight is indicative of the positive reception anticipated for the film, showcasing its multifaceted nature and potential for cultural commentary.
Enhancing the film's promotion is the theme song "doppelgänger" performed by Creepy Nuts—an apt choice, considering the underlying themes of duality and hidden identities within the narrative. The single will also be available for streaming on January 24, the same day as the film's release. The group’s distinct sound and lyrical prowess promise to add significant depth and excitement to the film’s overall atmosphere.
On February 5, 2025, Creepy Nuts will be releasing their new digital album "LEGION," which includes "doppelgänger," followed by the physical album release on March 12, 2025. These musical promotions are expected to create additional buzz for "Underninja," pulling fans from multiple spheres, including anime and music aficionados.
With anticipation building and the collective excitement surrounding "Underninja," there is little doubt the film could become a benchmark of cultural representation for the modern ninja. Storylines intertwined with humor, action, and mystery—not to mention the thematic skeleton of secrecy encoded within the ninja archetype—promise to resonate well with audiences.
On its opening day, moviegoers can expect to witness the extraordinary blend of thrilling escapades and comedic antics of ninjas living among us, making this film an unmissable adventure, set to redefine the entertainment genre through the veil of modern-day ninja lore. Whether through gripping action scenes or cleverly placed comedic moments, "Underninja" is primed for not just box office success, but for lasting significance among contemporary cinema's offerings.