On January 6, 2025, Quotidien resumed its broadcasts after the holiday hiatus featuring Maïa, Marguerite, and Ulysse, the latest contestants eliminated from the popular show Star Academy. This episode provided the audience with insights from these recent cast-offs, who reflected on their journeys and shared their thoughts about what lies ahead for the remaining contestants.
Having been eliminated just two days before on January 4, Ulysse expressed his emotions during this poignant interview. He revealed his close bond with fellow contestant Charlie, stating, "Charly, désolé, tu vas devoir finir sans moi, mais j'espère que tu vas aller le plus loin possible parce que je crois en toi et j'ai envie que tu gagnes" (Charlie, I’m sorry, you’ll have to finish without me, but I hope you go as far as possible because I believe in you and want you to win). His heartfelt gratitude extended to the fans who supported him during his time on the show, highlighting the collaborative spirit of the competition.
Hosts and viewers were intrigued when Barthès prompted the trio to discuss the aspects of their experience they found challenging. Maïa candidly remarked, "les réveils avec les lumières" (the wake-ups with the lights), indicating how difficult it was to start the day under such conditions. Marguerite then added her own frustrations, saying, "On ne croirait pas comme ça, mais en faite une minute c'est hyper frustrant" (You wouldn’t think it, but one minute is really frustrating), referring to the short daily phone calls allowed within the strict rules of the academy.
The conversation took a turn when Barthès asked whether living together had been enjoyable. Marguerite seemed surprised by the question, saying it wasn’t all bad, but acknowledged the adjustment was significant with 14 strangers. "Oui oui ça va, c'était cool. On n'aurait pas dit ?" (Yeah, it was cool. Wouldn't we say?), she added, demonstrating how group dynamics played out during their time together.
Shifting gears, the group discussed their predictions for who might reach the finals. Maïa suggested she would like to see Ebony and Charles, sparking the lively discussion of the competitors’ chances as the finale looms. Marguerite expressed her desire for a fully female final, envisioning Ebony against Marine, igniting enthusiasm over the exciting potential matchups. Finally, Ulysse echoed Maïa's choices, emphasizing his bond with Charles.
Barthès humorously highlighted the absent mention of Franck, prompting Marguerite to awkwardly reach out with, "Franck, on t’embrasse, tu es trop fort !" (Franck, we hug you, you are really great!), trying to soften the unintentional oversight. This moment underscored Franck’s formidable presence as one of the top talents within the competition.
This year's Star Academy has had its share of drama and growth, and as they advanced toward the semifinal rounds scheduled for January 11, excitement for the closing act intensified. The snags of life within the academy, from the pressure of performances to managing personal interactions, added layers to the contestants' journeys, making their reflections all the more valuable.
With this season's finale set for January 25, the focus now shifts to how these contestants will navigate the final challenges leading up to what promises to be a thrilling conclusion. The earlier experiences shared by Maïa, Marguerite, and Ulysse will fuel the discussions as viewers tune back to find out who will eventually rise to the occasion, proving their mettle on stage. The solidarity and friendships formed will linger, showcasing the heartwarming essence of competition.