The Simalungun Police are taking proactive steps to strengthen community ties and promote safety through outreach programs, as evidenced by their recent engagement at the HKBP Tambun Sari Church. On March 9, 2025, local officers conducted an event titled "Minggu Kasih" beginning at 10:00 AM, focusing on the importance of community-based security initiatives.
Representatives from the police, including AKP Esron Siahaan, head of community services, and AKP Verry Purba, the public relations officer, were present to deliver key messages of cooperation between the police and the community. They emphasized the necessity of collective responsibility to maintain security and public order during the event. AKP Verry Purba noted, "Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mempererat silaturahmi antara Polri dan masyarakat, khususnya jemaat Gereja HKBP Tambun Sari. Kami ingin membangun kesadaran bersama akan pentingnya menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban di lingkungan masing-masing," which translates to, "This event aims to strengthen the relationship between the police and the community, particularly the congregation of the HKBP Tambun Sari Church. We want to build collective awareness of the importance of maintaining security and order within each neighborhood."
AKP Esron Siahaan took the stage to encourage the congregation to actively participate in neighborhood safety. He stated, "Kami mengajak seluruh jemaat gereja untuk turut berperan aktif dalam menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban di lingkungan masing-masing. Dengan adanya kerjasama yang baik antara masyarakat dan Polri, diharapkan situasi Kamtibmas akan selalu terjaga dengan baik," or, "We invite all church members to actively participate in maintaining security and order within their respective communities. Through the good cooperation between the community and the police, it is hoped the security situation will always be well-maintained."
Given the upcoming month of Ramadan, Esron highlighted the importance of harmony among religions, urging everyone to respect one another’s beliefs. He said, "Di Bulan Suci Ramadhan nanti, kami mengharapkan agar seluruh masyarakat, terlepas dari perbedaan agama, dapat saling menghormati dan menjaga kerukunan. Keberagaman adalah kekuatan bangsa kita, dan kita harus memeliharanya dengan baik," which conveys, "During this holy month of Ramadan, we hope all communities, regardless of their religious differences, can respect each other and maintain harmony. Diversity is our nation’s strength, and we must preserve it well."
Safety precautions were also discussed, particularly emphasizing vigilance during worship services. Esron reminded attendees to secure their belongings and vehicles diligently, saying, "Kejahatan bisa terjadi kapan saja dan di mana saja. Karena itu, kita harus selalu waspada dan tidak memberikan kesempatan kepada pelaku kejahatan. Pastikan kendaraan terparkir dengan aman dan rumah terkunci dengan baik saat ditinggalkan untuk beribadah." This translates to, "Crimes can happen anytime and anywhere. Therefore, we must always be vigilant and not give opportunities to criminals. Ensure vehicles are parked safely and homes are securely locked when left for worship."
The discussion around narcotics prevention formed another key component of the gathering, with Esron advocating for community-led efforts against drug distribution. He implored the congregation, "Hindari dan jauhilah narkoba, karena narkoba dapat membahayakan kesehatan dan bahkan dapat membunuh diri kita sendiri. Mari bersama-sama mencegah peredaran narkoba di lingkungan kita dengan melaporkan aktivitas mencurigakan kepada pihak kepolisian," saying, "Avoid and stay away from drugs, as they can jeopardize health and even kill ourselves. Let us work together to prevent drug trafficking in our community by reporting suspicious activities to the police."
Overall, the "Minggu Kasih" initiative serves as part of Simalungun Police's broader efforts to cultivate stronger relationships with local communities and encourage active citizen participation in maintaining local security. Community members responded positively to the police's outreach, with various parishioners voicing their readiness to contribute to neighborhood safety efforts. The police have committed to continuing these activities across various places of worship and strategically chosen locations, underscoring their preventive approach to sustaining community tranquility.
AKP Esron Siahaan concluded the event with gratitude for the warm reception from the HKBP Tambun Sari congregation, indicating hope for continued collaboration between the police and the public to cultivate effective and lasting security measures. Their commitment reaffirms the Simalungun Police's dedication to building trust through community engagement efforts and ensuring the safety and order within their jurisdiction.