Thorsten Legat, known from numerous reality shows and former football star, found himself struggling with some basic spelling during his recent appearance on ‘Eltons 12.’ The show, aired on January 4, attracted audiences with its array of former contestants from the jungle camp, showcasing quirky challenges and lots of laughs.
Legat, 56, made headlines when he stumbled through spelling competitions during the show. Facing off with fellow contestant Lucy Diakovska, they both hilariously failed to spell the word “Aggression,” logging it incorrectly. While Legat managed to get “Katastrophe” right, he soon fell behind due to multiple errors with other words, engaging not just the audience but also the show's host, Elton. “Hast du wahrscheinlich mit Rübenmus verwechselt,” joked Elton as Legat confused “Rhythmus” for “Rhütmus.”
This incident is just one of many entertaining moments from ‘Eltons 12,’ which invited several familiar faces from the reality TV circuit, including Daniela Büchner and Kader Loth. The pair, who have appeared on various reality formats, brought their unique charm to the challenges presented.
Meanwhile, as the laughter from ‘Eltons 12’ continues to echo, excitement builds for the upcoming ‘Dschungelcamp 2025,’ which is set to kick off on January 24. The roster for this year’s jungle adventure has been officially unveiled, introducing new and returning celebrities ready to face the notorious Australian wilderness, where they’ll share their accommodations with creepy-crawlies and compete for viewer votes.
Confirmed participants include the likes of Lilly Becker, Maurice Dziwak, and Nina Bott, alongside reality titans such as Yeliz Koc and Jörg Dahlmann. The show’s producers, RTL, have promised plenty of drama and entertainment from the diverse cast. While fans are accustomed to the antics of contestants, this season is especially noteworthy with personalities like Alessia Herren, stepping out from the shadow of her famous father, and former sports commentator Dahlmann making his debut as well.
The combination of established and fresh faces this year could make for explosive interactions. The esteemed hosts Sonja Zietlow and Jan Köppen, known for guiding the audience through past seasons, will navigate this new flock of contenders through their trials and tribulations.
With such hype surrounding both ‘Eltons 12’ and ‘Dschungelcamp 2025,’ it’s clear the allure of reality television remains strong. Audiences find themselves drawn to these wild challenges, awkward moments, and genuine emotions from their favorite celebrities, hoping for mesmerizing narratives as the shows progress. Who will stumble and who will shine remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure—the drama is just beginning!