JAKARTA - Muslims around the world have officially begun observing Ramadan on March 1, 2025. This sacred month marks the commencement of fasting, which is not just about abstaining from food and drink but holds significant religious connotations.
Alongside fasting, communal prayers known as tarawih are conducted during the nights of Ramadan. To start this observance, mosques host sermons, or khutbah, which focus on the virtues of Ramadan and its place within Islam. These sermons aim to reflect on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and plan for personal and communal growth during this time of reflection.
One revered hadith states: "Puasa adalah perisai, jika salah seorang dari kalian sedang berpuasa janganlah berkata keji dan berteriak-teriak, jika ada orang yang mencercanya atau memeranginya, maka ucapkanlah, ‘Aku sedang berpuasa'" (H.R. Bukhari dan Muslim). This teaching highlights the essence of self-control and maintaining good character, elevates fasting from merely refraining from eating to nurturing one’s moral integrity.
Another enlightening hadith elaborates on the unique gifts associated with fasting: "Semua amal Bani Adam akan dilipat gandakan kebaikan sepuluh kali sampai tujuh ratus kali lipat... kecuali puasa, maka ia untuk-Ku dan Aku yang akan memberikan pahalanya" (H.R Muslim). Here, it emphasizes fasting as a deeply personal act of devotion known only to Allah, underscoring its value.
Continuing these sentiments, the Prophet Muhammad also noted, "Sungguh bau mulut orang yang berpuasa lebih harum di sisi Allah daripada bau minyak misk (kasturi)" (HR. Bukhari, no. 1894 dan Muslim, no. 1151). This hadith indicates the beauty of fasting, where the act is honored even through perceived unpleasantness, for it stems from absolute obedience and faith.
On the evening of March 1, mosques across communities have held their first tarawih prayers and sermons. Public speakers have delivered khutbah highlighting the significance of Ramadan. A sample sermon text includes the words: "Assalamualaikum wr wb… Hari ini adalah hari pertama kita menjalankan ibadah puasa di Ramadhan 2025, tetapi merupakan hari kedua menjalankan sholat tarawih." This approach encourages engagement and prepares the community for the days ahead.
The interaction among community members strengthens the bonds between them, allowing for shared spirituality. Congregants are encouraged to partake actively, not only to deepen their personal faith but to grow bonds of empathy and support.
With this observance, Ramadan 2025 is not merely about tradition but allows for personal introspection and collective encouragement for self-improvement. It is also about setting the intention for guidance and reaching out to those around us to spread kindness.
Inviting the community to actively partake, Ramadan encourages reflection and revitalization of one’s spirit, enhancing bonds of compassion and faith. It's not only about fasting during daylight hours but also engaging deeply through prayer and serving others.
The virtues of this holy month prompt introspection and remind Muslims of their commitments to spirituality, community service, and Allah. Each individual can embrace this time as an opportunity to learn patience, gratitude, and generosity.
With the promise of blessings and rewards, Ramadan holds immense significance for the Islamic community as it promotes peace, reflection, and connection. The path forward this month can be filled with growth as individuals engage sincerely with their faith and with one another.