On December 19, 2024, renowned French television personality Patrick Sébastien made a memorable appearance on the popular game show Les 12 Coups de Midi, where he openly expressed his admiration for the show's reigning champion, Émilien. Since his first appearance on the show on September 25, 2023, Émilien has become the face of the program, recently celebrating his 22nd birthday and boasting over 449 participations with prize money soaring above €1.8 million.
The episode, hosted by Jean-Luc Reichmann, was notable not only for Sébastien's presence but also for the warmth and respect he showed toward Émilien. "Je suis fasciné !" he declared before the audience, underlining the impact Émilien has made during his tenure on the show. The excitement surrounding Émilien's performances has captivated viewers and fellow celebrities alike, establishing him as one of the most revered figures on French television.
During the broadcast, Patrick Sébastien recounted his commitment to watching the show. He humorously shared, "Je vous regarde tous les jours. La première question que j'ai posée en arrivant ici est : 'Est-ce qu'Émilien est encore là ?'" This display of loyalty resonates with many fans who tune in to see if Émilien will continue his impressive streak. Sébastien, who has been known for his late-night routines, stated, "Je fais des mots croisés toute la nuit. Je me couche à 4-5h du matin et à la pub je vais me raser," highlighting his dedication to the show.
Émilien's remarkable achievements have not only wowed audiences but also sparked admiration from several public figures. Patrick Sébastien is just one of many who recognize the skill and intellect required to excel at Les 12 Coups de Midi. "On est toute une bande de copains et on est fasciné par Émilien. Il y a tellement de gens dont on fait des stars aujourd'hui. Et qui ne valent pas le coup. Alors pour une fois qu'il y a quelqu'un qui mérite... Ben voilà," Sébastien shared, capturing the essence of the growing celebrity around Émilien.
The episode served as both a tribute to the enduring spirit of the show and as a reminder of the personal connections formed within its competitive environment. Émilien’s presence embodies the show's blend of culture, competition, and camaraderie, bringing together not just contestants but fans like Sébastien who engage deeply with this televised event.
With the holiday season approaching, excitement builds for the anticipated Christmas special set for December 24, where Émilien will face off against other well-known contestants from the show, including Bruno Hourcade and Xavier. The special event aims to combine entertainment with philanthropy, as it will also feature performances by celebrities including Michèle Bernier, Jarry, Soprano, and Patrick Fiori, with intentions to raise food donations for the Restos du Cœur.
Throughout the episode, viewers caught more than just trivia competition; they saw the genuine admiration and respect one remarkable talent can inspire within the entertainment industry. Patrick Sébastien's heartfelt acknowledgment of Émilien's skills as both admirable and deserving reflects the contemporary fascination with intellectual competitions and the cultural significance they hold for many viewers.
Not only does Émilien represent the excellence within Les 12 Coups de Midi, but he has also become synonymous with the show itself—a remarkable feat considering how competitive the format is. Sébastien's unexpected visit and warm words help solidify Émilien's reputation as one of the show's greats, much like previous beloved champions.
To sum up, as Émilien continues his remarkable run on Les 12 Coups de Midi, the impact he leaves on personalities like Patrick Sébastien and countless viewers across France is undeniable. His story is one of dedication, intellect, and achievement, making Les 12 Coups de Midi more than just a game show; it has become a celebration of knowledge and camaraderie.