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14 February 2025

Marian Rojas Estapé Tackles Technology's Impact On Mental Health

The psychiatrist introduces her new book and highlights strategies for improving awareness and well-being.

Marian Rojas Estapé, a prominent psychiatrist and author, recently captivated audiences during her appearance on the popular Spanish television show, 'El Hormiguero.' Her visit was not only to promote her new book, 'Recupera tu mente, reconquista tu vida,' released on April 3, 2024, but also to engage the public on the significant influence of technology on mental health.

During the show, Rojas shared her insights on the theme of cognitive degradation brought about by our increasingly tech-dependent lives. "Nos cuesta prestar atención, concentrarnos, empatizar con las personas y tolerar el dolor, el sufrimiento, el malestar, el aburrimiento," she noted, highlighting the challenges society faces with attention and empathy. Rojas explained how these difficulties stem from weakened functions of the prefrontal cortex, the brain area responsible for rational thinking and emotional regulation. This deterioration, she asserted, is contributing to social polarization.

Pablo Motos, the host of 'El Hormiguero,' facilitated the discussion, pressing Rojas for her expert analysis of the contemporary social climate. The psychiatrist's response was alarming yet insightful: "La corteza prefrontal... lleva a la polarización," she remarked. Rojas believes individuals today are overly sensitive to discomfort, pushing them toward the pursuit of immediate gratification rather than addressing underlying emotional issues.

A central theme of the conversation was the concept of dopaminergic addiction, particularly as it relates to our compulsive use of electronic devices. Rojas astutely noted, "La dopamina es una sustancia maravillosa... pero cuando se estimula en exceso..." This statement encapsulates her warning on the dangers of overwhelming our brains with constant digital stimulus, which diminishes our attention spans and resilience.

Rojas proposed practical solutions to counteract these growing issues. Drawing from her extensive experience and research, she emphasized the importance of specific lifestyle choices or what she refers to as "rutinas vitamínicas" for mental health. Among these, exercise emerged as her top recommendation. She articulated this connection boldly: "El deporte fabrica una sustancia... que lleva a mi cerebro a su máximo potencial," indicating the overwhelming mental benefits of physical activity.

Rojas also advocated for embracing boredom, encouraging her audience to "volvamos a aburrirnos," which she argued is necessary for mental clarity. She asserted, "Nadie ha descubierto nada importante en un momento frenético." By allowing ourselves periods of boredom, we create space for creativity and reflection, fundamental components of mental health.

Healthy interpersonal relationships were another significant topic discussed by Rojas. She emphasized the findings of the longest-running study on human happiness from Harvard, which concluded, "la soledad mata y las relaciones saludables nos protegen." This statement underlines her belief in the importance of prioritizing meaningful connections over transient digital interactions.

Rojas encouraged viewers to incorporate practices such as meditation, dance, and even music to recharge their mental batteries. She explained how breathing techniques, including those outlined by Dr. Andrew Weil, can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, fostering tranquility amid chaos.

Despite painting a bleak picture of the current state of mental health, Rojas remains optimistic about people's ability to adapt and recover. She concluded her interview with the stark warning: "Estamos en una crisis de atención." Yet, she believes there is hope if society can heed her advice and take steps to restore balance to our frayed mental landscapes.

Rojas' media appearances and her ability to engage the public reflect her dedication to promoting mental health awareness. By utilizing various platforms, including social media, podcasts, and public speaking engagements, she is building a vast community focused on self-care and resilience. Her efforts not only help to demystify mental health but also to inspire hope and healing amid challenging times.