Today : Mar 01, 2025
Local News
01 March 2025

Makassar Prepares For Ramadan With Community Initiatives

Local police engage citizens with support and stability checks before Ramadan.

Preparations for the holy month of Ramadan are well underway in Makassar, as various community initiatives are being rolled out to promote safety and goodwill among residents. The local police department, through its Samapta unit, has launched humanitarian patrols not just to maintain order, but also to distribute food packages to those less fortunate.

Led by Kasat Samapta AKP Firman, these patrols focus on reaching out to cleaners, rickshaw drivers, and the elderly who may be struggling during this significant time. Officers warmly visited several neighborhoods within the jurisdiction of the Pelabuhan Makassar Police, providing much-needed aid as part of their community care efforts. The spirit of Ramadan emphasizes charity and community support.

“Barang siapa di pagi hari merasa aman dalam lingkungannya, sehat badannya, dan memiliki makanan untuk hari itu, maka seakan-akan dunia telah dikumpulkan untuknya,” said one hadith, highlighting the importance of security and well-being during this holy month. The police's role is not just to enforce the law but to help create tranquility for everyone involved.

Adding to the humanitarian efforts, the female officers of Pelabuhan Makassar, leading by Wakapolres Kompol Nurhaeni, conducted their own social action by distributing prayer garments (mukena) and copies of the Al-Qur’an to various mosques. “Dengan membagikan mukena dan Al-Qur’an, kami berharap bisa membantu masyarakat agar lebih khusyuk dalam beribadah. Ini juga menjadi bentuk kepedulian kami dalam mempererat hubungan dengan warga,” she noted, expressing the hope these efforts would deepen community ties and support improved worship practices.

The response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive, particularly from mosque congregations who received the gifts with gratitude. These actions show how local authorities are working hand-in-hand with the people to make Ramadan more meaningful.

Meanwhile, at the Central Market, food supply stability is being closely monitored. Kapolres AKBP Restu Wijayanto visited the market to check both supply and pricing. His presence aimed to reinforce confidence among shoppers, ensuring them there would be no food shortages to disrupt their Ramadan preparations. "Kami memastikan bahwa stok bahan pokok tetap tersedia dan harga masih dalam kondisi yang terjangkau bagi masyarakat," he confirmed.

Market traders reported no significant supply issues. Essential goods like rice, cooking oil, and sugar are available, alleviating concerns over potential price spikes during the month. “Dengan pemantauan yang terus dilakukan, kami berharap masyarakat bisa menjalani Ramadan dengan tenang tanpa perlu khawatir terhadap lonjakan harga bahan pokok,” AKBP Restu Wijayanto added, underlining the collaboration between law enforcement and the state to maintain economic stability.

Continuous monitoring will remain a priority leading up to Eid al-Fitr 2025 to prevent any significant fluctuations or shortages. Local vendors have expressed optimism about the supply chain remaining intact, ensuring consumers can celebrate Ramadan without financial strain.

These combined social initiatives and stability measures depict Makassar’s dedication to nurturing community spirit and safety during the holy month, highlighting the intrinsic values of empathy and solidarity inherent to Ramadan. Such efforts by the local police not only serve to enforce the law but also embody the true essence of cooperation and care among the citizens as they enter this blessed period.