Jakarta – The Indonesian Parliament is preparing for the ratification of the Draft Law (RUU) on Amendments to Law Number 34 of 2004 regarding the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI). This significant event is scheduled to take place in a plenary meeting on Thursday, March 20, 2025. Deputy Chairman of Commission I DPR RI, Dave Laksono, confirmed that the final decision on the ratification is pending the deliberation of the DPR RI Consultative Body, which is set to meet today, March 19.
"Jadwal yang terkini adalah paripurna akan dilaksanakan besok untuk putusan tahap kedua," Laksono noted, as reported by Antara on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. The drafting of this law aims to address a long-standing issue regarding the role of active military personnel in civilian positions, which has raised various concerns and debates in society.
In a significant move, the Indonesian Parliament also announced a change in its schedule; the recess of the DPR RI has now been postponed to Wednesday, March 26, 2025, originally set for Friday, March 22. This shift allows the plenary meeting, which also includes the closure of the parliamentary session, to be held on Tuesday, March 25.
Discussing the bill, Laksono explained that the presence of varying opinions—both in favor and against—over the proposed law is a natural aspect of the legislative process. "Menurutnya, tidak ada lagi perdebatan mengenai posisi TNI di jabatan sipil karena justru RUU ini bertujuan untuk membatasi keterlibatan prajurit aktif dalam jabatan tersebut," he stated, reinforcing the primary goal of the legislation.
He further emphasized, "Selain itu, juga memastikan supremasi sipil dan supremasi hukum tetap berjalan," highlighting the importance of maintaining civil supremacy and the rule of law through this legislative change.
The decision to approve the RUU for further discussion was made by Commission I DPR RI on March 18, 2025, when all factions in the parliament presented their final opinions and reached a consensus. This decision occurred under significant scrutiny, attended by key officials such as Minister of Law Supratman Andi Agtas, Deputy Minister of Defense Donny Ermawan, and Deputy Minister of Finance Thomas Djiwandono.
As the bill approaches its final stages, Laksono has made it clear that upon ratification, it will be the government's responsibility to ensure that active TNI personnel holding civilian positions in excess of the stipulated provisions must resign or retire. "Akan tetapi, sikap dari Mabes TNI sudah jelas bahwa di luar 14 kementerian yang diperbolehkan, prajurit yang menduduki jabatan sipil harus mengundurkan diri atau pensiun," he stated, indicating that there are specific allowances for military personnel within designated ministries.
The upcoming ratification of the TNI Law is seen as a pivotal moment for Indonesia, potentially redefining the intersection of military duty and civilian governance. As both lawmakers and citizens await the outcomes of this legislative endeavor, the balance between civil authority and military involvement in governance remains a critical topic of discussion.
In conclusion, the path ahead for the TNI may lead to significant changes in how military active members relate to civilian roles, marking a new chapter in Indonesia's efforts to fortify democratic values and governance. The ratification scheduled for March 20 will be a key milestone in shaping the future relationship between the armed forces and civil society.