Actor Hiroshi Tachi, celebrating both the fifth anniversary of his talent agency Tachi Pro and his 50th year as a performer, hosted his first mochitsuki (rice cake pounding) event on January 7, 2025, at his office in Shinjuku, Tokyo. This festive gathering not only marked the new year but also represented Tachi's long-held aspiration to revive the traditional New Year celebrations of his former agency, Ishihara Production, which included the beloved mochitsuki.
Charmed by nostalgia and excitement, Tachi expressed, "Happy New Year! I think I've been doing mochitsuki for about 30 to 40 years since Ishihara Pro, but this time I really felt out of breath. But I'm so happy to have realized my desire for this event." Evidently, the mochitsuki brought joy to Tachi, who enthusiastically participated alongside more than 200 attendees, many of whom donned matching happi coats, reminiscent of festive gatherings from his past.
The attendees, all dressed in traditional attire, gathered around as Tachi took the lead, energetically pounding rice with his kine (pestle) to prepare the mochi. Reflecting on the significance of the event, he shared, "This is the first time we've done this after about 15 years, and everyone wearing the happi coats is reminiscent of the past." The atmosphere was filled with laughter and camaraderie as teams worked together to create the festive sweets, symbolizing unity and celebration.
This moment was also poignant for Tachi, who expressed his commitment to continuing the legacy of his predecessors from Ishihara Production, including the legendary Yujiro Ishihara and Tetsuya Watanabe. "With regards to my 50 years of acting, I want to make movies as aspirations of Yujiro Ishihara, Tetsuya Watanabe, and Executive Director Masahiko Kobayashi," he stated, hinting at his ambitions to contribute to the film industry. Tachi has been actively pursuing projects, and last year, he mentioned, "This year, I want to move forward little by little toward making movies." His determination to create new cinematic works remains evident.
Despite the challenges and changes over the years, Tachi remains deeply connected to his roots and the traditions of the entertainment industry. The gathering served not only as a celebration but also as an opportunity for younger actors associated with Tachi Pro to voice their aspirations. Ikeda Tsutomu, who has been with Tachi Pro since its inception, remarked on the revitalization of the mochitsuki event, indicating how it provided energy and encouragement both to him and the new generation of actors.
Young talent, including Ogoe Yuuki, expressed their admiration for Tachi, affirming their aspiration to follow his example of professionalism and experience. "I want to become like Mr. Tachi, who embodies elegance and maturity as both a man and an actor," stated Ogoe Yuuki, highlighting the influential role Tachi plays as a mentor.
The event concluded on a high note, with Tachi reassuring everyone, "This mochitsuki is just the first step, and I hope everyone will continue to get along and stay energized!" His optimistic outlook sets the tone for the future of Tachi Pro and its commitment to nurturing talent and producing quality films.
This new year marks not just the continuation of Tachi's legacy but the collective vision of the Tachi Pro family as they step forward together, embracing the challenges and opportunities of the entertainment industry head-on.