Hiroshi Gensui, the talent and actor, announced the birth of his first child on December 26 via his Instagram account. Accompanied by a heartwarming photograph of the baby’s hand grasping his finger, Gensui shared his joy with followers, stating, "先日、第一子が誕生致しましたおかげさまで母子共に健康です" (Recently, our first child was born, and thankfully, both mother and child are healthy).
His post continued with heartfelt gratitude for the support he received throughout the pregnancy and delivery. Gensui expressed, "色んな方に支えていただいて、無事に出産し今は感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです" (I am filled with gratitude, having received support from various people who helped me through the birth).
Gensui conveyed his anxieties and hopes for the future, stating, "まだまだ慣れないことばかりですが元気にすくすくと育ってくれるよう精一杯愛情を注いでいきたいと思います" (There are still many things I’m not accustomed to, but I will do my utmost to pour love so my child grows up healthy).
He also made it clear he would appreciate the continued support from his fans, saying, "変わらずこれからも応援していただけたら嬉しいです" (I would be happy if you continue to support me as you have before).
Gensui has had quite the personal history. He was first married to former J-League player and soccer commentator Tetsuo Nakanishi (55) back in 2007, but they announced their divorce on January 1, 2014. He later revealed his remarriage to a non-celebrity man the following year.
Born in 1981 and hailing from Tokyo, Gensui debuted his career back in 1998, showcasing his talents across various mediums such as television dramas, films, and theater. His notable appearances include series like NHK's "Salaryman NEO" (2006), Fuji TV's "Rupan no Musume" (2020), and NTV's "Shiranakute ii Koto" (2020), alongside his work on stage.
Alongside acting, Gensui has amassed several qualifications including aromatherapy advisor, junior athlete food meister, and vegetable specialist, plus WSET Level 2 (wine) certification, all showcasing his diverse interests.
Through this latest joy of welcoming his child, it appears Hiroshi Gensui has much to celebrate both personally and professionally.