On December 26, the much-anticipated final episode of Japan’s renowned variety show, 'Gurunai Gochi 25,' aired, which was filled with suspense and emotion, culminating in the elimination of two popular contestants. The show, which has captivated audiences for its unique blend of culinary challenge and celebrity participation, broadcast live for four and a half hours, featuring its signature segment, 'Gochi ni Narimasu!
The final showdown was structured under special rules allowing the top contenders to significantly reduce their financial liabilities. This time, contestants fought for the top position to avoid hefty personal costs, setting the stage for nail-biting tension as the losers faced dire financial consequences.
Leading the pack were regular cast members, including the comedic duo Ninety-Nine—composed of Takashi Okamura and Hiroyuki Yabe—along with guests Yoshino Kimura and Tori Matsuzaka. The stakes were high, with the raise set at 40,000 yen for the meal consumed during the challenge, which would determine who splurged and who stayed safe.
Contestants have been reporting their fortunes over the course of the show, and on this day, it was announced live which members would be forced to leave. After intense competition, comedians Yasukko and Shinpei Mori of the comedy duo Mitirizu ended up facing the chopping block.
The game pit contestants against each other based on their meal costing estimates, with the final standings leading to shocking developments. Surprising twist arose as results revealed not only Yasukko's elimination but also confirmed Mori as another contestant leaving the show.
Earlier, during the announce phase, former contestant Yabe desperately tried to return to the game after being eliminated last year. He exclaimed, "Please, just return me to the show! This isn’t the usual format!" But as anxious moments faded, he realized he must secure victory over Matsuzaka or Kimura to earn reinstatement, only to be let down.
Once the final results were tallied, it became evident how the evening would pan out. Shocking fans, Yasukko ended with the largest debt of 1,005,823 yen, making her the lowest ranking participant. Her immediate reaction was one of dismay, as she shouted, "What?! It's 100,000 yen over just food!" Following her shocking exit, Yasukko humorously noted, "It has been incredibly fun, but I'm sad to no longer be with the team."
Meanwhile, Mori, who concluded just behind at 615,203 yen, took the news with grace, promising anew to return stronger, saying simply, "It's disappointing, but I’ll come back one day."
Stars of the evening included first-place winner Masuda Takahisa, who pocketed the good fortune of finishing at 0 yen, solidifying his status with impressive skill at guessing the meal costs. It was said, "A genius understands food prices - look at my no-cost standings!" Of course, amid cheers from fellow contestants, tension enveloped the atmosphere—no one truly wants fellow contestants to face elimination.
Additional proof of Yasukko's tenacity came from her vibrant exit speech laden with gratitude: "Thank you! This has been the best! Despite not being here anymore, I couldn't be prouder of what we created together."
Though heart-wrenching, it is clear the spirited competition will continue, with millions anticipating the next installment. Scheduled for broadcast on New Year's Eve, the show promises to bring even more drama with its next high-stakes round featured well-known guests, offering fans everything they crave.
All considered, the finale delivered swift revelations and engaging moments indicative of the captivating power of Japanese television. It cemented the show's legacy as not only entertaining but deeply engaging for audiences eager to share laughs, and tears with their favorite celebrities. The next installment holds the potential to surpass all previous achievements, as viewers eagerly await to see if the dynamic cast can reimagine the thrills of competition once again.