Grupo Globo, the largest media conglomerate in Brazil, is embarking on its hundredth anniversary celebration, with festivities kicking off throughout 2025. The centennial campaign, titled "What Comes After 100 Years? The Beginning," emphasizes both reflection and the aspirations for the future of this prominent Brazilian institution.
The history of Grupo Globo traces back to July 29, 1925, when the first copies of the newspaper "O Globo" were distributed to readers across Rio de Janeiro. Founded by journalist Irineu Marinho, the group has evolved significantly over the decades, especially under the guidance of his son, Roberto Marinho. Today, the group is led by his descendants, with João Roberto Marinho currently serving as president and Paolo Marinho as CEO.
Roberto Marinho Neto, overseeing Globo Ventures, expressed optimism for the company’s future achievements, saying, "A inquietação é o que nos move. A gente está comemorando os nossos 100 anos de história, pensando diariamente nos próximos 100, com muito otimismo." This commitment to innovation has been central to the company’s philosophy, ensuring its relevance and adaptability.
The launch of the centennial campaign began on January 1 and has already made strides across various media, including broadcasting on the flagship "Jornal Nacional." The campaign’s inaugural TV film aired shortly after the special report, showcasing Grupo Globo’s history and contributions to Brazilian culture. This film, narrated by journalist Pedro Bial, depicts the evolution of the conglomerate through poignant memories and imagery.
Notably, this year’s celebration isn’t limited to just the centenary of 'O Globo.' It also marks significant anniversaries for other influential platforms within the group: 80 years of Rádio Globo, 60 years of TV Globo, and 25 years of, alongside Globoplay's tenth anniversary. These milestones highlight Grupo Globo’s vast reach and impact.
The campaign will not just celebrate the achievements of the past but will also set forth the vision for the future. The leadership of Grupo Globo has emphasized the importance of connecting with the Brazilian public and continuing to iterate on its media offerings. Paulo Marinho stated, "A nossa evolução permanente e a nossa busca por inovação ampliam a nossa capacidade de criar e contar boas histórias para todos os brasileiros, que é a nossa vocação principal.”
This sentiment is underscored by the group's strategic initiatives, such as the development of TV 3.0, which will combine traditional broadcasting techniques with internet capabilities. This technology aims to provide enhanced audiovisual quality and targeted advertising, making the viewing experience more interactive and personalized.
Roberto Marinho Neto recalled his grandfather’s philosophy during the launch of TV Globo, asserting, "Essa inquietude, essa busca por sempre inovar, e essa melhoria contínua, é o que nos move." Such principles not only highlight the commitment to progress but also reflect the resilience and adaptability of Grupo Globo throughout its history.
Reflecting on the return of the centennial celebrations, the leadership has reiterated the importance of Brazilian storytelling. They are committed to enhancing the richness of Brazilian culture and acknowledging local talent. "A gente acredita na contribuição que podemos continuar dando ao país, de ser um espaço de encontro e de respeito. Temos marcas tão presentes na vida dos brasileiros,” Paolo Marinho added. This connection with their audience remains foundational as they move forward with new projects.
Grupo Globo is poised to ring in its centenary year by celebrating not only the past but also by embracing the future with enthusiasm and innovation. Through reflective campaigns, new technology, and unwavering commitment to Brazilian culture, the organization aims to continue its legacy as the leader of broadcast media and entertainment.
Emphasizing their plans for growth and development, leaders within Grupo Globo are set on maintaining relevance and honoring the diverse stories found within Brazil. Celebrations throughout the year promise to engage audiences across all platforms as they examine their history and look ambitiously toward what lies ahead.