On December 29, 2024, TBS's popular food show, 'Banaman no Sekkaku Gourmet,' showcased culinary delights from the renowned tourist spots of Karuizawa and Zushi-Hayama. The episode featured beloved actors from the hit series Knights of Malta, among them Kimura Takuya and Oikawa Mitsuhiro, who braved blizzard-like conditions to gather insights on the local food culture, alongside Sawamura Ikki and Nakamura Anne exploring the gastronomic offerings of Kanagawa's coastal towns.
The episode, defined best as 'the Grand Maison gourmet special,' presented viewers with mouthwatering dishes such as enormous shrimp tempura handmade soba and exquisite premium pork cutlets. The show's appeal lies significantly within the charm of Karuizawa, known for its refined atmosphere and culinary experiences, and the laidback beach vibe of Zushi-Hayama.
Among the featured locations was 'CANA,' famed for its wood-fired pizzas, which utilizes local ingredients prominently. Operating for just five years, this Italian restaurant has captivated the community's palate, thanks to its skilled chef who trained for three and half years straight in Italy. Menu highlights include unique offerings like 'Polonagi with house-cured bacon and fried egg' for 2,000 yen and the 'Hayama shiitake mushroom with smoked scamorza' for 1,480 yen — dishes embodying the essence of local flavors.
The show went on to introduce 'Tonkatsu Hikonoya,' where patrons raved about the melt-in-your-mouth pork cutlet, masterfully prepared by its chef who spent two decades honing his culinary craft in Japanese cuisine. Diners can expect premium dishes such as 'Shrimp Fry' for 660 yen and 'Pork Cutlet Set' for 2,860 yen, companions to fluffy fish rice from the Uonuma region.
'Adagio,' another remarkable mention, is celebrated for its beautiful, relaxed dining environment. Open for 22 years, this restaurant specializes in Italian cuisine crafted from local ingredients. Signature dishes like 'Raclette cheese oven bake' for 3,200 yen and 'Tomato cream sauce pasta with blue crab' embody the finesse of the restaurant's heritage, drawn from training experiences in Paris and Florence.
An irresistible dessert from 'La patisserie TAKAHIRO MARUYAMA' was also spotlighted, featuring their popular chestnut Mont Blanc made with French chestnut cream blended with rum for the slight depth. Beyond the aesthetics, the taste dazzles with local accents like cassis jam from Karuizawa within the dessert, exemplifying the region's rich culinary artistry.
Finally, the local favorite 'Kikori' provided its renowned handmade soba, where shop owners take pride in grinding buckwheat grains daily using traditional stone mills to create aromatic and flavorsome soba dishes, proving yet again how local practices significantly amplify the gourmet experience.
Through the heartwarming exploration of food, this episode did not just serve as entertainment — it illuminated the richness of local Japanese cuisine by connecting viewers with the essence of community and culture. Each stepping stone of this culinary pilgrimage plays its role; from chefs' craftsmanship down to the use of local produce, it brings us close to preserving traditional Japanese flavors like never before.
With nostalgia, vibrant flavors and shared stories, the commentary from the series elevates our collective appreciation for Japan's culinary offerings and helps support local enterprises, ensuring new generations can revel in the extraordinary taste of these regions.