Błażej Spychalski, the former spokesman for the President of Poland, has been arrested by the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA) as part of an investigation related to irregularities involving Collegium Humanum, a private university. This arrest marks another significant development in the inquiry centered around dubious practices at the institution.
According to Jacek Dobrzyński, spokesman for the Minister of Interior and Administration, Spychalski was detained early on the morning of February 6, 2025. The arrest was carried out on the request of the Regional Department of Organized Crime and Corruption at the National Prosecutor’s Office located in Katowice. "Zatrzymali Błażeja S., byłego rzecznika prasowego prezydenta RP, sekretarza stanu w kancelarii prezydenta RP," Dobrzyński stated succinctly on the X platform.
The investigation revolves around the corrupt practices at Collegium Humanum, known for fast-tracking diplomas such as the MBA—with some being illegally issued. This private university, established merely five years ago, has garnered notoriety for its role as a breeding ground for political nominations to state-owned companies. This alarming situation suggests systemic issues at play, related to academia and governmental appointments.
Spychalski completed his Executive MBA at Collegium Humanum, which may have paved the way for his subsequent ventures within the state sector after he left the Presidential Chancellery. Following his tenure as president's spokesman from 2018 to 2021, he served as vice president of Gaz-System and was also involved with PKN Orlen as an advisor. Currently, he retains his position as the social advisor to the president.
Dobrzyński explained, "Zatrzymanie ma związek ze śledztwem CBA w sprawie nieprawidłowości Collegium Humanum," clarifying the connection between Spychalski's arrest and the wider investigation. It has been reported by the National Prosecutor's Office there will be multiple charges brought against him, with procedural activities leading to questioning as part of the investigation.
Several individuals tied to this controversy have already faced scrutiny; previous reports indicated the CBA had detained dozens of people linked to the misdeeds at Collegium Humanum. The investigation took traction after it was found dozens were benefiting from quick and often questionable educational certifications, allowing rapid ascension to powerful positions within state-owned enterprises.
The Collegium Humanum scandal first came to light when the reports appeared, detailing how students could receive diplomas without sufficient educational requirements, potentially compromising the integrity of their qualifications. "Błażej Spychalski chwalił się wcześniej ukończeniem studiów Executive MBA w Collegium Humanum," detailed multiple sources about his academic claims.
The broader concern about Collegium Humanum involves not only Spychalski but also impacts various political figures who reportedly utilized these fast degrees for careers in state administration, raising ethical queries about the intersection between education and politics. Some notable figures implicated include regional politicians and business executives who allegedly acquired these diplomas to facilitate their roles within Poland's public sector.
The situation remains under close watch as Spychalski is expected to face questioning, after which he might be released pending legal procedures. Reports indicate he will be evaluated for charges linked to the misconduct highlighted by the CBA's findings.
Collegium Humanum has faced intense scrutiny and has reportedly changed its name to Uczelnia Biznesu i Nauk Stosowanych Varsovia amid the inquiries. With the CBA having arrested numerous people over alleged irregularities, including well-connected individuals, the ramifications of this affair could extend far beyond Spychalski.
Citizens and political members alike are left wondering what additional revelations the CBA will unearth and how deeply entrenched corruption may be within not just Collegium Humanum but also across the governmental and educational institutions associated with it.