On September 9, Anthony from the popular Japanese comedy duo Matenrou made headlines with revelations during the late-night broadcast of TV Tokyo's "Gather! Character Mahjong," where he highlighted the remarkable resurgence of his colleague Iijiri, formerly of the disbanded comedy duo Pistachio. Anthony's comments have sparked interest and intrigue within the entertainment community as they showcase the transformative power of social media for struggling artists.
During the show, which centered on themes of work and financial success, Anthony opened up about how Iijiri has become nothing short of a success story after going through significant personal challenges. "Now, there's just one unbelievable success story at Yoshimoto..." he stated, capturing the attention of viewers and fellow comedians alike.
Many might recall Pistachio for their unique style of comedy, particularly known as 'white-eye manzai,' but the troupe disbanded back in May 2022. Following their split, Iijiri faced dire financial situations and changes in personal life, including marriage and subsequent struggles, which Anthony candidly described. "Iijiri, who had significant financial struggles, has now become a superhero on TikTok, earning incredible money," he remarked.
What’s particularly fascinating is how swiftly Iijiri turned his fortunes around thanks to TikTok. While discussing their shared drinking experience, Anthony recounted, "When I drank with Iijiri, he asked me, 'How much do you think I'm making now?'" Anthony humorously attempted to estimate his friend's earnings, and the reaction was quite colorful. Iijiri shot back, "You're out of your mind to think it’s only this much!" showcasing just how dramatically Iijiri's situation had changed.
The atmosphere on set turned electric as fellow comedians expressed their disbelief. Hiroshi Otsu from the duo Kitsune quipped, "Is it for real?" echoing the surprise felt by many viewers at home. Kazuyoshi Kojima from Anchush also chimed in with disbelief, asking, "Wait, really?" This moment exemplified not only the camaraderie among comedians but also the unexpected twists of fate within the entertainment industry.
Iijiri's rise on social media platforms like TikTok serves as testimony to the changing dynamics of comedy and entertainment today. Through engaging content, relatability, and direct interactions with fans, comedians can reinvent their careers - turning their fortunes around and engaging audiences on unprecedented levels.
The story of Iijiri is more than just about financial success; it embodies hope and resilience, reiteration of the saying, 'what goes up must come down, but what goes down can rise again.' Anthony's narrative not only sheds light on Iijiri's triumph but also serves as inspiration for others in the comedy circuit who may be facing uphill battles. Such stories illuminate the adaptability of artists amid changing societal landscapes, especially as they leverage tools like TikTok to maintain not just relevance but also financial stability.