Russian actor Evgeny Kulik and his wife Regina Gaisina have announced the birth of their third child, bringing joy and excitement to their family. The couple welcomed their son on January 20 and have named him Loterrey, which adds to the trend of unique names chosen by modern parents.
Kulik and Gaisina, already parents to daughter Sofia and son Fedor, shared their happy news on social media, where followers congratulated them and sent well wishes for their growing family. The choice of the name Loterrey surprised many, as it reflects the couple’s preference for distinctive and meaningful names.
This desire for uniqueness isn’t isolated to Kulik’s family; it echoes broader cultural trends across Russia. An example recently emerged from Altai, where parents named their daughter Sayram, reflecting another unique choice. Sayram’s name, which may have Turkic roots meaning "shining" or "brilliant," showcases the creativity parents are exercising when naming their children today.
Alongside the birth announcement, Kulik's friend, actress Agniya Kuznetsova, recently enjoyed the premiere of her new film "Loterrey." Kuznetsova plays one of the lead female roles, and the film has generated buzz, especially as it aligns with the themes of luck and family. During its closed premiere at the capital's Oktyabr cinema complex, Kuznetsova expressed her excitement about the film's script and her co-stars, particularly Kulik, who plays her on-screen husband.
"This film is about true values and how winning big can change someone," Kuznetsova noted during her interaction with reporters. She highlighted the message of the film: "Some viewers might conclude the treasure isn't found on lottery tickets but is right next to you, living with you," which interconnectedly mirrors the joy seen with the birth of Loterrey.
Despite her role promoting the film, Kuznetsova herself humorously confessed, "I've never played the lottery. I think you need to believe in miracles, and it will all happen. The biggest luck of my life already happened — it's the birth of my beloved son," making clear the emotional depth behind her words.
For Kulik, the joy of being a father has expanded significantly as he embraces his new role as the father of three. He expressed the excitement of gaining another member of the family, highlighting his pride and happiness.
The evolution of Russian cinema has also been noted, with comedians like Kuznetsova emphasizing the shift from traditional dramas and heavier narratives to more uplifting, humorous stories. "Russia is known for its dramas and serious social tales, but recently, quality comedies have been rising and gaining popularity. I wish for more comedies with meaning, clean and bright, lyrical," she remarked. This shift might likely play out positively against the backdrop of Kulik's family growth.
Overall, the announcement of Loterrey's birth not only highlights the personal events of the Kulik-Gaisina family but also intertwines the cultural currents influencing Russian naming practices today, reinforcing the joy and aspiration parents find joyously wrapped up within their children's names.