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World News
29 September 2024

China And Brazil Push Peace Plan For Ukraine

Despite Ukraine's objections, China and Brazil seek to unite global support for their peace proposal at the UN.

China and Brazil have teamed up to champion their "Six-Point Consensus" peace plan concerning the continuing war between Russia and Ukraine, aiming to rally support among developing countries. This initiative garnered attention recently when representatives from 17 nations convened during the UN General Assembly, led by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Brazilian advisor Celso Amorim.

China claims to have the backing of 110 nations for its peace proposal, which, according to Wang, focuses primarily on averting escalation, safeguarding nuclear power plants, and advocating for dialogue between the warring factions. "Russia and Ukraine are neighbors; establishing friendly relations is the most pragmatic solution," Wang remarked during the meeting. Despite this, reactions to the plan, especially from Ukraine, have been less than favorable.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has publicly dismissed the peace initiative as dangerously pro-Moscow. His disapproval arises from concerns over the lack of reference to Ukraine’s territorial integrity, which is absent from the Chinese peace plan. Zelenskyy argues any legitimate negotiations must prioritize the withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukrainian territory, stressing, “There can be no compromise involving territorial concessions.”

Zelenskyy's stance was reinforced by concerns from the United States. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed skepticism about China's motivations, citing its ties with Russia and its role in supplying military support to the Kremlin, which he claimed complicates the push for genuine peace. "China's continued interactions with Russia raise questions about the sincerity of their peace efforts," Blinken stated, emphasizing America’s commitment to helping Ukraine secure its sovereign rights.

The pushback from Zelenskyy and Western leaders showcases the growing division between the interests of Ukraine and those of nations supporting China's and Brazil's initiatives. The peace plan has drawn the support of some Global South leaders, including representatives from South Africa, Indonesia, and Türkiye, who see it as an opportunity to mediate discussions without the immediate pressures often associated with Western-led negotiations.

China's initiative builds on Brazil’s earlier proposals, reflecting not only diplomatic ambitions but also strategic alignments as both nations navigate their relationships with Russia and the Ukraine conflict. Indeed, the Russian government views the Sino-Brazilian initiative as another layer of support from its allies, as tension remains high over military actions and allegations of illegal arms trading involving North Korea.

Meanwhile, reports indicate China's military collaboration with Russia is intensifying, indicating their continued alignment against Western pressures. "While asserting neutrality, China is actively deepening military technical cooperation with Russia, which raises questions about its role as a peaceful mediator," noted analysts following the developments closely.

During the assembly, ten countries from the Global South expressed their commitment to the six-point plan, establishing themselves as part of the so-called “friends for peace” coalition. This group’s meetings continue to attract attention, even as Zelenskyy reiterates his urgent call for these nations to work more creatively toward genuinely ending the conflict rather than providing cover to Russian ambitions.

With glaring differences entrenched between Ukraine's position and the new peace initiatives from China and Brazil, one question looms larger than any other: Can any peace plan be effective without addressing the core concerns of sovereignty and territorial integrity?

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