Four distinguished alumni from the University of Brighton will showcase their skills on the popular quiz show University Challenge during the Christmas Special airing on Boxing Day, December 26, 2023. The team, captained by world-leading pharmacist Professor David Taylor, consists of celebrated author and illustrator Chris Riddell, actor and disability advocate Adam Pearson, and award-winning comic artist and former Comics Laureate Hannah Berry.
According to the University of Brighton, this participation highlights the incredible reach of what is known as the "Brighton effect," emphasizing how the university's teaching, learning, and research influence individuals and communities globally.
Chris Riddell, who graduated with a degree in graphic design back in 1984, has made waves with his children's books and political cartoons and was honored with an honorary doctorate from the university in 2019. He is well remembered for his role as the UK Children’s Laureate, showcasing the talent nurtured at Brighton.
Hannah Berry stands out as the first female Comics Laureate, graduating with her degree in illustration in 2004. Berry’s work has been recognized for pushing boundaries and redefining the comic art form, bringing significant attention to the medium.
Adam Pearson, known for his advocacy for disability rights and for his recent role in the film Under the Skin: A Different Man, completed his education with a degree in business management, graduating in 2007. Pearson's career spans acting and media, where he initially worked as a researcher on the show The Undateables, before stepping onto the screen himself alongside major Hollywood stars like Scarlett Johansson and Sebastian Stan.
Professor Taylor, the captain of the team, boasts extensive experience both as a pharmacist and as a leading figure within the NHS. He graduated with both his bachelor and master’s degrees in pharmacy, marking the beginning of what has become a monumental career fraught with contributions to the field.
The University Challenge Christmas Special series commenced on December 23, 2023, and promises to deliver its well-known format of challenging questions covering everything from history to science and arts. The Brighton team is one of 56 alumni teams from 14 different universities vying for victory during this festive quiz event.
Marnie Middlemiss, director of philanthropy and alumni engagement at the University of Brighton, expressed her pride, noting, “We are immensely proud to see our talented alumni representing the University of Brighton on the University Challenge Christmas Special. Their participation highlights the incredible diversity of achievements our graduates go on to accomplish, from groundbreaking work in pharmacy and disability advocacy to award-winning contributions in the arts. We can’t wait to cheer on the team as they showcase their intellect and creativity on this iconic programme.”
Originally airing in 1962, University Challenge enriches the intellectual spirit with its rapid-fire quiz format. The participation of such accomplished alumni not only reflects on their individual successes but serves as testimony to the effectiveness of the education provided by the University of Brighton.
Viewers can look forward to watching this exciting episode where wit, knowledge, and teamwork will take center stage, as the University of Brighton team joins the ranks of other esteemed institutions. The future of the show and the influence of these impressive alumni set the stage for what promises to be both entertaining and thought-provoking.