Tevfik Bedirhan ÜSTÜN is a Professor of Psychiatry, and Health Informatics Koç University, School of Medicine
Istanbul, Turkey
He has obtained Medical and Specialty Degrees and his Docent in Psychiatry (Associate
Professor degree) at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey in 1993.
He has worked in WHO since 1990 first in Mental Health, then in Information, Evidence and Research Cluster as an international health officer and formed multiple collaborative networks on:
• Mental Health Epidemiology
• Primary Care applications of classification and training programs.
• WHO’s Family of International Classifications (ICD, ICF and other health classifications);
• Health terminologies and health Information Standards:
He has obtained multiple NIH, EU and other grants and raised over 25 million dollars for WHO projects. Traveled widely more than 70 Countries; actively participated in more than 200 international scientific meetings and congresses; served on the scientific review boards and advisory boards of various international projects.
He has retired from WHO in 2016 and has started his current position as Professor of Psychiatry and CHIO at the Koç University, Istanbul.
Üstün is the author and co-author of more than 320 articles, 9 books on psychiatry, primary care, health assessment, and surveys mainly in English, also in Turkish, French, Spanish and Italian.
h index= 103;; from Google Scholar He has served in the editorial board of eight journals; and served as peer reviewer in several journals.
He has been awarded as a Distinguished Fellow from American Psychiatric Association; Honorary Fellow from Royal College of Psychiatrists from UK; Fellowships from National Scientific Council of Turkey and Vehbi Koc Foundation.
Further information:
Üyelik Tarihi
2 ay önce üye oldu
Yaşadığı Yer
Geneve, Switzerland
Doğduğu Yer
Eskişehir, Türkiye
Cinsel Kimlik
Düz Cinsiyetli (Cis/Cisgender)
Cinsel Yönelim
Düzcinsel (Heteroseksüel)
İlişki Durumu
Belirtmek İstemiyor
Güncel Eğitim Seviyesi
Doktora Sonrası (Post-doktora)