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World News
24 September 2024

Zelenskyy Declares Ukraine Is Closer To Ending War With Russia

Ukrainian President calls for stronger military ties as he presents his plan to U.S. leaders

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently made headlines during his visit to the United States, where he stressed the importance of maintaining strong military support from allies as Ukraine continues its struggle against Russian aggression. His message, shared during exclusive interviews with major media outlets, painted a picture of cautious optimism, declaring Ukraine is "closer to the end" of the war than many might think.

During his interview on "Good Morning America," Zelenskyy articulated what he refers to as his “Victory Plan,” which he intends to present to President Joe Biden and other U.S. political leaders. "The plan of victory is strengthening of Ukraine," he emphasized, making it clear how pivotal U.S. support is to these efforts. He urged allies to boost Ukraine's military capabilities to help solidify their position against Russian forces.

Echoing this sentiment, Zelenskyy stated, "I think we are closer to peace than we think. We are closer to the end of the war. We just have to be very strong, very strong." His comments come at a time when Ukraine has been actively engaging Russian positions, including significant military operations recently conducted within Russia's own territory, particularly the Kursk region.

Confirming the gravity of the situation, Zelenskyy noted, "Putin is afraid of our advances. His people know he cannot defend his territory." This observation came as recent estimates indicated Ukraine's forces had taken control over more than 1,000 square kilometers of territory previously held by Russian forces.

Zelenskyy’s trip coincided with the United Nations General Assembly, where he also underscored Ukraine's dire need for long-range missiles. He has repeatedly called on the U.S. to lift restrictions on such weapons, believing this would give Ukraine the means to target Russian airbases effectively, which are pivotal to the aerial assaults on Ukraine. He remarked, "Everybody's looking up to him [Biden], and we need this to defend ourselves," putting the onus of leadership firmly on the American administration.

Meanwhile, Zelenskyy's wife, Olena Zelenska, joined him and focused on humanitarian aspects, highlighting the soaring number of Ukrainian children still held captive by Russia. "We need pressure to bring our children back, as the rate we are achieving at the moment is insufficient," she stated, expressing urgency for international intervention.

During Zelenskyy’s U.S. visit, the collaboration between states was evident as well. An agreement was signed between the Zaporizhzhia Oblast and Pennsylvania for mutual support, signaling the diversified efforts to bolster economic and defense ties. This partnership aims to develop domestic military production capabilities and strengthen overall defense infrastructure.

Back on the battlefield, recent reports detailed intensified clashes amid heavy fighting around eastern Ukraine. Russian forces have reportedly maintained steady advances, but Ukraine is showing resilience. Zelenskyy highlighted Ukraine's preemptive military actions, pointing out the necessity of regaining control and preventing any potential Russian offensives from accruing ground.

Despite the heavy toll of war, Zelenskyy's call for allies to remain steadfast creates hope among Ukrainian forces and their supporters. There exists palpable anxiety about the upcoming U.S. elections, with worries about how changing political dynamics might affect the level of support for Ukraine should the administration change. Zelenskyy expressed hope, asserting, "I trust the Americans will continue their support irrespective of upcoming elections. But we also need to prepare for what might come. We can't afford to backtrack now."

On the Russian side, reactions to Zelenskyy’s declarations were underscored by skepticism. A Kremlin spokesperson reiterated their disinclination to entertain peace talks under anything but total Ukrainian capitulation. Russia has shown no indication of backing off its aggressive stance, leading analysts to predict continued conflict rather than any resolution.

This complex matrix of military maneuvers, diplomatic overtures, and looming challenges reflects the tumultuous state of geopolitics where every conversation about support, strategy, and sustainability fuels not only national security interests but also humanitarian imperatives. Zelenskyy's efforts unite both military and diplomatic strategies as he tries to steer Ukraine toward sovereignty and peace.

There remains much uncertainty both on the frontlines and within diplomatic circles. Zelenskyy believes force and determination are what Ukraine needs now, declaring strongly, "We can't stop. We can't be weak. We can't relax. Because we haven't stopped Putin. We just have to stay strong.” His words, echoing through the halls of power, serve as both rallying calls for his people and clarion appeals to allies, marking this chapter of the Ukraine-Russia conflict as one defined by resilience and hope for peace.

Though challenges loom, Zelenskyy’s visits reaffirm Ukraine's solid stand and relentless commitment to fighting for its sovereignty against forces intent on domination. The groundwork laid during this visit could play pivotal roles going forward as Ukraine navigates the complex pathways of war, peace, and everything in between. The international community is watching closely, hoping to see the bridge to peace is not lost.

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