ZDF is set to welcome the New Year with its traditional New Year’s Eve show titled "Willkommen 2025" at the iconic Brandenburger Tor on December 31, 2024. Hosted by renowned presenters Andrea Kiewel and Johannes B. Kerner, the event promises an exciting lineup of both national and international stars ready to entertain fans starting at 20:15 local time.
Leading the vibrant performances will be chart-topping rapper Shirin David, who is expected to bring her infectious energy and hit songs, especially her summer anthem "Bauch Beine Po." Other notable acts include Eurodance visionary Alex Christensen, popular rapper Bausa performing his current hits, and the enchanting voice of rising star Ásdís from Iceland. With such diverse musical offerings, viewers can look forward to something for everyone.
The extensive lineup also features the illustrious Schlager queen Maite Kelly, known for her heartfelt melodies, along with pop sensation Sarah Engels and legendary artist Peter Schilling, famous for his classic hit “Völlig losgelöst.” Young talents like TikTok sensation Esther Graf and UK pop-dance artist Tom Gregory are also making appearances, bringing fresh beats to the stage. Adding to the festive atmosphere will be the duo YouNotUs alongside EM saxophonist André Schnura.
A unique highlight of the evening will be the vibrant spectacle of the musical "& Julia," which reimagines Shakespeare's classic, offering the character another chance at love on stage to the backdrop of stunning fireworks.
With the show, ZDF has put significant emphasis on safety, coordinating with authorities to implement comprehensive security measures. These include ticket personalization, bag checks, and even banning fireworks within the venue to protect attendees. The goal is to create a safe and enjoyable environment as everyone gathers to ring in the New Year.
Before the evening festivities commence, ZDF will air the New Year’s speech by Chancellor Olaf Scholz at 19:15, providing viewers with insight and reflection as the country steps forward. This will be followed by the "heute-show spezial – Das war 2024" at 19:25, featuring satirical highlights and comedic retrospectives from the past year by hosts Fabian Köster and Lutz van der Horst.
It's worth noting the competition for viewers' attention, as popular presenter Florian Silbereisen will also host his own musical spectacular entitled "Silvester–Schlagerbooom 2025 live" airing simultaneously. His event promises to turn the BMW Park arena, the basketball home of FC Bayern, the venue for his show, as he welcomes stars like Andrea Berg, Bonnie Tyler, and Howard Carpendale.
Despite the competition, ZDF's "Willkommen 2025" aims to capture the hearts and minds of viewers with its star-studded lineup and special acts. The night will culminate with Mickie Krause kicking off the "ZDF-Mitternachtsparty" at 0:50, celebrating the dawn of 2025 with music, joy, and camaraderie among fans cheering as the clock strikes midnight.
Later, at 2:50, the "ZDF-Kultnacht" will celebrate its 40th episode by showcasing some of the greatest hits from legendary artists such as Madonna, Michael Jackson, and Whitney Houston, providing audiences with nostalgia and entertainment as they close out the New Year’s celebrations.
Overall, ZDF’s "Willkommen 2025" looks set to be an unforgettable night filled with music, security, excitement, and vibrant performances, uniting viewers from all walks of life to celebrate the onset of another year together.