Yamada Ryosuke, the beloved Japanese actor, recently delighted fans by sharing his lighthearted New Year's resolutions at the promotional press conference for his upcoming film, Under Ninja. The event took place on January 6, 2025, attracting attention and laughter from attendees as Ryosuke provided insights about the film, which is set to hit theaters on January 24, 2025.
Taking the stage, Yamada enthusiastically spoke about embodying his role as the protagonist, Kurokage, a low-ranking ninja embroiled in modern-day escapades. "I think we created a modern ninja film unlike anything else you’ve seen. I can't wait for everyone to see it!" he exclaimed, encapsulating the film’s innovative approach to the classic ninja genre.
But it was not just his role or the film's premise capturing attention—Yamada's New Year’s resolutions truly stole the show. With humor and charm, he proclaimed, "For 2025, I want to live like a ninja and snake, constantly shedding my skin to become a good person." This unusual analogy sparked laughter throughout the audience, showcasing his ability to blend sincerity and comedy.
Yamada's unique take on personal growth had his co-stars chuckling as well. Alongside him were fellow cast members like Hamabe Minami and Matsuya Shoutaro, who felt the warmth of Ryosuke’s comedic flair. Director Fukuda Yuichi added to the jovial atmosphere, hinting at the film's engaging miracle scenes and humor interwoven throughout the action-packed narrative.
Giving fans even more to expect, Yamada shared, "It's truly a hilarious parade of interesting visuals, with settings like schools, so I hope everyone of all ages can enjoy it!" His comments set the stage for what is anticipated to be not just another action movie but a comedic adventure suitable for various audiences.
Throughout the press conference, the atmosphere remained upbeat, underscoring Yamada’s appeal as both a talented actor and charismatic personality. Reminding viewers of the intertwining aspects of fun and action within the film, Yamada stated, "We aimed to create something enjoyable and emotional—a movie where you can laugh as much as you cry. It’s the best ninja entertainment—truly on point!"
The excitement surrounding Yamada Ryosuke and the upcoming film showcases the positivity and engaging moments fans can expect when the film finally graces the screen. With his refreshing humor and unique charisma, Ryosuke has certainly set high expectations for himself and the film's audience alike.
Mark your calendars for January 24, 2025, to experience all the laugh-out-loud moments and gripping adventures highlighted by the cast and crew of Under Ninja. With talented individuals like Yamada at the helm, fans are assured of great entertainment waiting on the horizon.