Yamada Haruki, also known as Kouhei Yamako, has officially joined Tokushima Vortis from Tokyo Verdy, marking an important step for both the player and the club as they prepare for the 2025 season. The transfer, announced on January 6, 2025, signifies Yamako's move to bring his capabilities to his new team after spending two and a half successful years with Verdy.
At 31 years of age, Yamada started his professional career when he joined Omiya Ardija after graduating from Meiji University, where he made quite an impact over the next six seasons. After his time at Omiya, he transferred to Tokyo Verdy in 2022. His performances there included participating in 4 J1 matches and 51 J2 games, where he scored three goals and made appearances in both the YBC Levain Cup and the Emperor's Cup.
Prior to his transfer to Tokushima, Yamada was loaned out to JEF United Chiba during the latter half of last season, where he played 12 matches and contributed significantly to the team. His adaptability has been demonstrated throughout his career, making him a valuable asset for his new club.
Upon his transfer, Yamada expressed his enthusiasm: "初めまして!2025シーズンから徳島ヴォルティスに加入する山越康平です。コッシーって呼んでください!自分を必要としてくれたこのチームのために、自分の持てる力を出して闘います。よろしくお願いします!" This translates to: "Nice to meet you! I am Kouhei Yamako, joining Tokushima Vortis from the 2025 season. Please call me Kossy! I will fight with all my strength for this team, which has needed me. Thank you very much!" His excitement to don Tokushima's colors is palpable, and he aims to make his mark in the upcoming season.
Reflecting on his time with Tokyo Verdy, he stated, "この度徳島ヴォルティスに移籍することになりました。ヴェルディでの2年半を振り返ると感謝の気持ちしか思い浮かばないです。ヴェルディという最高なチームで最高のチームメイト、監督・スタッフ、ファン・サポーター達と共に闘えたことは私にとって誇りです。本当にありがとうございました" which translates to: "I have decided to transfer to Tokushima Vortis. Looking back on the two and a half years at Verdy, I can only think of feelings of gratitude. I am proud to have fought with the best team, the best teammates, coaches, staff, fans, and supporters at Verdy. Thank you very much."
With this transfer, Tokushima Vortis hopes to reinforce their squad, incorporating Yamada's experience and skills as they aim for improved performance. His prior contributions will undoubtedly serve as motivation for his new teammates and the club's aspirations going forward.
Yamada’s arrival at Tokushima highlights the team’s commitment to building a competitive roster, especially as they look to make strides following the impact of previous seasons. For the player, this move symbolizes not just a transition, but the beginning of new challenges and opportunities to grow within his football career.