The long-running Japanese television program, known for its engaging food-themed challenges, saw its latest season culminate on December 26, 2024, with the final showdown of the popular segment "Gochi ni Narimasu! 25." This episode not only featured intense competition but also marked the second consecutive year without the beloved comedian Yabe Hiroyuki.
Broadcasting for four and a half hours on Nippon Television, the episode highlighted the struggles of returning contestants and the challenges introduced by the show's format. Yabe, who was eliminated last year, made headlines as he attempted to reclaim his place, contingent upon his performance against the celebrity guests. Unfortunately, his efforts fell short.
Throughout the episode, Yabe participated from another room, engaging with his fellow competitors through monitors and waiting to see if he could come back from his previous elimination. Despite his best efforts, he could not beat the scores set by actress Kimura Yoshino and actor Matsuzaka Tori, who were the guest challengers of the evening.
Yabe finished with 48,100 yen of calculated expenditure, which was significantly higher than the two guest challengers' scores but wasn't enough to secure his return, leaving him visibly disappointed. "2年連続は厳しいなぁ," he lamented, reflecting on his back-to-back eliminations from the fan-favorite segment.
Prior to this difficult outcome, hosts Takashi Okamura and other contestants shared their own experiences and strategies throughout the season, as secrets of the competition often make for engaging banter among the cast. Okamura's poignant remark, "私が残るしかないので、名前を残すには。私に託してください," articulated the pressure surrounding the elimination stakes.
The overall rankings presented just before the final battle indicated intense competition among the remaining players. Leading competitors, Masuda Takihisa, came out on top, with the least favorable indices facing the risk of elimination.
Before plunging valiantly back to find food ingredients, Yabe humorously added, "食材ないのよ," to highlight the absurdity of his situation, denoting the comedic edge he brings even amid disappointment. His hints at what the newer season might entail kept fans enticed and laughing, remembering the quirky nature of these competitions.
From Kimura’s second-place finish with minimal expenditure to the ups and downs among the contestants battling for survival, the segment preserved the show's reputation for high drama mixed with the lighthearted banter its fans have come to appreciate.
All contestants faced the specter of elimination throughout the special, as they were tasked with keeping their financial expenditure within acceptable limits to avoid being cut from the competition. It's not merely about the food items; it's about survival within the cast dynamic, often bringing viewers up close to the tumultuous fun born from this culinary game.
This year’s format brought forth enhanced stakes, with the possibility of three contestants being ousted simultaneously, eleving both tension and stakes. It compels audiences to hang on till the end, eagerly waiting for the final verdict as the show progresses beyond its thrilling hour.
Nonetheless, the absence of Yabe weighs heavily on the host's dynamic, as Takashi Okamura expressed trepidation about both of them being absent for the first time. "30年以上やらせてもらってますけど、2人共がクビになることはなかった," he mused, reminiscing the decades he had spent with Yabe.
Fans can expect the next chapter to roll out on January 16, 2025, where the competition gears up for another thrilling season, possibly heralding the much-anticipated return of their favorite contestants, including Yabe.