The drama series 'Run Away! Brave Women', starring popular actors Wu Ruoxi (Jinny), Xiao Zhengnan, and Zhu Minhan, has recently launched promotional activities leading up to its January 11 air date. The series aims to inspire its audience with themes of bravery and female empowerment.
During the promotional event held on January 5, 2025, the actors connected with their fans through interactive games and discussions about the series when they also faced questions about their personal lives. Zhu Minhan, who has been embroiled in rumors about his relationship with co-star Chen Xiaohua, addressed these directly, saying, "I feel like our relationship from getting married to living together to breaking up is like watching a drama series," underscoring how public speculation can feel like fiction. He stated there is no pressure from the company to keep their relationship low-key, emphasizing, "Every actor wants to focus on their career development."
The cast took the stage not only to entertain but also to share personal stories, with Xiao Zhengnan opening up about his preparations for fatherhood. "I’m quite busy getting the baby room ready and even putting together the crib!" he said. Seeking advice from colleagues and taking prenatal classes, he wishes to be the best dad possible. His co-star, Wu Ruoxi, reassured him about the challenges of new parenthood, saying, "The most important thing is for the mother and baby to be together; otherwise, it can be really tough." Wu had her struggles too, reflecting on when her baby had jaundice: "I was so scared and had to spend those two days just staring out at the sea, feeling lost. But everything's okay now, and I hope you don’t stress too much over what might happen."
Throughout the event, the chemistry among the cast was palpable, with jokes and anecdotes adding humor to their dialogue. Jinny teased Xiao Zhengnan, calling him the "greasy uncle" and joked about throwing up at the amusingly absurd portrayals. The atmosphere was light, yet it hinted at the emotional depths explored within 'Run Away! Brave Women'.
The series features not just drama but comedy, with actors showcasing their talents beyond the script. Lin Zihang, who took on the role of the 'Justice Husband,' displayed impressive skills during production. He acknowledged his growth from past experiences, saying, "I owe my progress to the artistic training I received and practicing traditional theatrical skills. It’s funny how old lessons come back to serve me well today."
Also present during the promotions was Guan Jiamin, who is preparing for her next roles and excited about being nominated for awards. She has lost over 20 pounds to adapt to her performance demands, humorously noting her family supports her unusual appearance during this process. "Isn’t it ironic how my family jokes about my resemblance to men?" she laughed, acknowledging her unique position within the local entertainment scene.
'Run Away! Brave Women' not only serves as entertainment but also as a cultural conversation starter. It highlights the balance between professional ambition and personal lives, enriches the narrative surrounding family, and delves deep within the values of unity and resilience among women. With this season promising thrills, laughter, and insightful reflections, it has set its stage where every character not only entertains but also embodies experiences relatable to the audience.