Willem Dafoe, the acclaimed actor renowned for his diverse roles and cinematic prowess, is set to bring life to yet another complex character in the upcoming film, Late Fame. Directed by Kent Jones, known for the poignant drama Diane, this new project is more than just a film; it’s a reflection on artistic identity and renewal.
Dafoe stars as Ed Saxberger, a postal worker who penned poetry so long ago he has nearly forgotten it. The story takes a turn when his forgotten work is rediscovered by young writers and students, leading them to eagerly reclaim him as one of their own. Reported by Deadline, the rediscovery ignites something within Saxberger. "Late Fame is a portrait of Ed Saxberger (Dafoe), a postal worker who wrote and published poetry such a long time ago..." It’s through this unexpected attention and admiration from the youth, portrayed by Greta Lee and Edmund Donovan, he experiences rejuvenation from his previously solitary life.
Greta Lee plays Gloria, one of the ambitious young writers who is captivated not just by the poet's past but also by the gritty allure of the artistic world of New York City. Her character portrays desperation mixed with talent, providing depth to the narrative as she navigates her emotional ties with both Dafoe's character and the group of aspiring artists she aligns herself with. Meanwhile, Edmund Donovan portrays Meyers, whose admiration for Saxberger paves the way for challenging dialogues about legacy and art.
This film dives deep, exploring how the attention and reverence from younger generations can pull someone from the brink of obscurity back to the forefront of creativity and public interest. Given the way the young writers idolize their counterpart from New York's golden age of arts, the film depicts how perceptions of artistry can be transformed through admiration and personal connection.
Such themes resonate strongly today as the art world continuously evolves, often leaving behind past influencers. There is something timeless about re-exploring established figures from the artistic community's history, and Late Fame seems poised to examine this dynamic intricately.
The film, written by Samy Burch, whose work was previously recognized with the acclaimed May December, is set to provide not just entertainment, but also is expected to evoke reflections on both nostalgia and current artistic pursuits. The team behind Late Fame has notable production experience, with key figures from Killer Films and Fresh Fish Films managing the project, ensuring it has both quality and depth.
Filming has commenced this week, and with the talented ensemble cast, Dafoe’s involvement promises to bring substantial gravitas to the role. His extensive career continues to inspire many as he embodies characters across generations, much like Ed Saxberger’s own story journeys from obscurity back to illuminated fame.
For audiences eagerly anticipating its release, Late Fame is more than just another film; it is set to become a dialogue about what it means to be recognized as an artist and how fleeting one’s stature can be within the fickle world of fame. With the themes this project explores, it may very well attract attention beyond the silver screen, inviting conversations among spectators about the essence of art.”