The weather on December 25, 2024, in Orihuela is set to showcase diverse conditions throughout the day, beginning with clear skies and pleasant temperatures. Early hours will feature minimum temperatures at 5°C, gradually climbing to 18°C by mid-day, accompanied by humidity levels fluctuated between 50% and 95%.
According to TA Previsiones Alicante, "The thermal sensation will be pleasant, ranging between 7°C and 18°C, with humidity levels varying from 50% to 95%." This warm climate will continue until the afternoon when clouds are expected to roll in, transforming the clear skies to overcast. Despite this increase, significant rain isn’t anticipated, with forecasters estimating only about 10% chance of precipitation as the evening approaches.
Nightfall will see the temperatures dip back to 11°C, with the humidity peaking at 95%. Following these fluctuative weather conditions, residents may experience cooler sensations due to the moisture present. "There is a slight 10% chance of rain, and humidity will reach its peak of the day at 95%," noted reports from local meteorologists. This evening atmosphere could very well lend itself to cozy indoor activities on this holiday.
For residents and visitors during this time, pharmacy services will be readily available, ensuring access to healthcare products throughout the holiday. Two pharmacies are set to operate around the clock on December 25, provided by local pharmacists. The on-duty pharmacy of Gonzalo Chazarra Navarro at Av. Duque Tamames, No.39, stands open from 9:00 to 9:00, alongside another by Margarita Gonzalez Vicente located at Av. de las Adelfas, S/N (Dehesa Campoamor) with the same hours.
When searching for pharmacies open all night, it’s important to note, as stated by TodoAlicante, "While these pharmacies are intended for the sale of emergency medications, any product they have can be purchased at any time of the night." This assures the availability of varied pharmaceuticals even during festive seasons.
Looking forward, December 26, 2024, will commence with overcast skies, pushing the probability of rain to 30% with temperatures forecasted to range between 6°C and 17°C. Later, skies are expected to partially clear up but still present some possibility of precipitation.
The weather on December 27 highlights favorable conditions with mostly clear skies and temperatures fluctuated between 6°C and 16°C, which promises enjoyable weather for outdoor enthusiasts.
Lastly, from December 28 to 30, Orihuela's weather will remain mixed, with expectations of light cloud cover and intermittent sunny spells. With lows around 3°C and high temperatures of 17°C, the end of the month is set to deliver stable yet variable conditions.
Overall, locals and visitors to Orihuela will enjoy both wonderful weather and round-the-clock pharmacy services amid the festive cheer of December 25, 2024.