Vicky Kagia, the renowned television host and former model, recently shared heartfelt moments from her life on social media, particularly showcasing her bond with her son, Karolos Krassas. The sweet photo posted on her Instagram depicts the two enjoying nature, highlighting what appears to be a close-knit relationship.
Kagia's post reveals not only her enjoyment of spending quality time outdoors with her children but also sheds light on her son’s budding personality. "He seems to be developing as quite the cool kid," she expresses, noting his adventurous spirit and love for sports, all the whilst embracing casual fashion much like his stylish mother.
Throwback to the early days of their careers, Kagia’s past collaboration with pop idol Sakis Rouvas was also rediscovered recently. The moment captured back in 1992, when Rouvas was just 20 and Kagia, only 15, serves as a nostalgic reminder of their youthful beginnings. Their photo session together, where they posed as rising talents for a women's magazine, reflects their enduring status within the industry, now nearly three decades later.
While Kagia celebrates her motherhood and shared experiences with her family, she also opens up about her past challenges and friendships. During a candid interview with Gala magazine, she shared how her caring nature sometimes led to betrayal. "I cared only about the people who were very close to me. It hurts, you mourn, but then you let it go and don’t think about it again," Kagia reflects on the emotional toll of past relationships.
"I’m the mom of everyone; it’s part of my character. I find joy and pleasure from it, even though there were times when I gave my love and attention to those around me, and they turned to bite me, lying about me," she added, demonstrating her nurturing desire paired with vulnerability.
Kagia addressed the need for protection she felt over the years, explaining, "For many years, I felt the need to feel protected, because I wasn’t getting it. I had it in my mind I was the one who had to take care of others for various family reasons." This sentiment resonates with many who feel the weight of familial responsibilities.
A significant turn came when she met her husband Ilias, whom she refers to as her savior. "Finally, God sent me my husband, Ilias, who was the first person to care for me and continues to take care of me..." she shares, providing insight on how this partnership incorporated more stability and love, allowing her to embrace her true self.
Through these reflections and anecdotes, Kagia not only celebrates her past and present but also conveys messages of resilience, parenting, and the importance of loving relationships. Her experiences serve as inspiration to many, illustrating the delicate balance of love and vulnerability inherent to familial bonds.