The beloved Italian holiday film Vacanze di Natale ’90, directed by Enrico Oldoini, is making its way back to theaters just in time for the New Year celebrations. This iconic film, produced by Filmauro and distributed by Nexo Studios, will be screened across Italy from December 28, 2024, to January 1, 2025, as part of the festive event called Vacanze di Natale Days.
Originally released on December 21, 1990, Vacanze di Natale '90 features stars such as Massimo Boldi, Christian De Sica, and Ezio Greggio, who find themselves entangled in comedic situations at the majestic Hotel Palace in St. Moritz. The film weaves together the various antics of characters seeking laughter and love during their winter holiday, promising audiences both nostalgia and merriment.
These shows come after last year’s successful re-release of the original Vacanze di Natale, which attracted over 60,000 moviegoers within one day. This year's event is set to rekindle similar excitement, as Franco di Sarro, CEO of Nexo Studios, explains the motivation behind reviving these films. "Il cinepanettone, lo dice la parola stessa, è un grande cult del Natale: non stanca mai... Perché non riguardarli tutti insieme, al cinema, riscoprendo il divertimento e la leggerezza delle risate condivise?" he stated. The rich tradition of humor inherent to the cinepanettone genre has made it synonymous with the holiday spirit for many Italians.
Aurelio De Laurentiis, one of the film’s producers, elaborates on the cultural significance of these holiday flicks. "I cinepanettoni sono un fenomeno culturale: un appuntamento annuale con l’allegria e la leggerezza..." he remarked. He emphasizes how these films serve as intended reflections on Italian society, encapsulating the quirks and idiosyncrasies of its people. De Laurentiis also noted the nostalgic value these films carry: "...anche lui adora i cinepanettoni, che peraltro hanno anche avuto il merito di proporre le prime compilation di pezzi eccezionali."
Unique for this event, the film will be screened digitally restored in 4K quality, eleviating the viewing experience for both long-time fans and newcomers alike. Attending one of these screenings will provide audiences with more than just laughter; it offers the chance to revive cherished moviegoing traditions during this festive period.
Throughout the film, audiences will also spot various vehicles, most of which have become icons themselves. The classic Ferrari 348 Tb prominently features, making it not only the centerpiece of adrenaline-fueled scenes but also representing the luxury of the time. Likewise, the Lancia Delta HF Integrale 16V brings its own charm, showcasing the advancements of automotive engineering from the late '80s and early '90s.
The screenings mark the second round of the Vacanze di Natale Days initiative, following the success experienced last year when the program first kicked off. Nexo Studios and Filmauro are already gearing up for future events and are dedicated to celebrating their timeless films through communal viewing experiences.
Restoration and re-release efforts reflect the enduring popularity of these comedies, creating shared moments for generations of moviegoers. Whether you plan to bring your family along or enjoy the experience with friends, attending the Vacanze di Natale ’90 screenings is set to be part of the holiday routine. The event encourages audiences to embrace the playful spirit of the '90s with suggested attire reminiscent of the decade, adding to the nostalgic atmosphere.
So gather your loved ones and join fellow fans this holiday season to enjoy Vacanze di Natale ’90 back on the big screen, once again ensuring laughter rings through the festive air.