The widely beloved multimedia franchise, Umamusume: Pretty Derby, is racing forward with significant updates from its game and the new anime adaptation, Umamusume: Cinderella Gray. Announced during the December 25th live stream, Umamusume Pretty Derby has revealed exciting new content for players and fans alike.
One of the most anticipated aspects of the upcoming content is the introduction of unique characters and limited-time events within the game. The update is part of the annual holiday season celebrations, known as the "New Year Campaign". Starting December 27th, players can interact with newly introduced characters such as the stylishly themed Mr. CB and the dynamic Katsuragi Ace dressed for the New Year's festivities. This release will be accompanied by special gacha (lottery) draws where players can acquire these characters, each boasting distinct initial stats and growth rates compared to existing versions.
Among the new support cards are SSR Symboli Rudolf and SSR Mejiro Ardan, both set to debut alongside the character releases. Players can also look forward to the SSR Maruzenski as part of the new story event titled “The Dragon Painting, Calling the Dawn Wind,” which is sure to engage the community with its rich narrative experience.
The official live stream, titled Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Holy Night Pakalive TV Vol. 48, served as the platform for these announcements, generating excitement among fans eager for the latest updates. With over 20,000 participants expected for the highly interactive real escape game titled Escape from Continuous Misfortunes, scheduled to begin nationwide on March 20, 2025, the franchise is ramping up its engagement strategies.
All eyes are also on the highly anticipated anime adaptation of Umamusume: Cinderella Gray, set to commence airing on TBS from April 2025. Following the success of the previous seasons, viewers can expect this new series to explore the story of Oguri Cap, who is depicted as the strongest horse girl rising from regional obscurity to claim her place among legends. It brings together fan-favorite characters and captivating narratives as they gallop through their trials and triumphs within the Twinkle Series.
Notably, the casting announcements for the characters have included exciting additions. Momoko Seto will voice Berno Light, Katsuki Konishi will lend his voice to Yukihara Jo, Mari Ise will take on the character of Fujimasa March, and Naomi Ozora is set to play Tamamo Cross. Each cast member expressed immense excitement about being part of such a beloved property and are eager to bring their characters to life for fans.
On the gaming front, besides character updates, gamers can take advantage of the first round of the Year Transition Campaign, which promises exciting login bonuses and opportunities to earn free draws—including daily 10-draw opportunities. Cygames, the publisher behind Umamusume, continues to impress followers with discounts on jewel purchases and powerful upgrade packs, reinforcing the game's commitment to providing players with enhanced experiences.
To mark this event-packed period, limited-time offerings will also include the chance to participate in the Team Competition Arena, where winning rewards have recently been adjusted to benefit players. Such adjustments reflect the creators' responsiveness to community feedback, ensuring the game remains engaging and rewarding.
Fans can stay up to date with all Umamusume events and updates through the official social media channels and the dedicated event websites. The community has rallied around these announcements, expressing enthusiasm not only for the updates but also for the upcoming anime adaptations and events.
2024 promises to be another thrilling year for Umamusume: Pretty Derby, with player interest at all-time highs. With games continuously introducing fresh content and the excitement surrounding the anime, Cygames appears poised to maintain the franchise's momentum and widespread appeal. The blend of engaging gameplay, rich character narratives, and active community events ensures the franchise remains at the forefront of gaming culture, captivating both new and returning fans.