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02 August 2024

Ukraine And Myanmar Expand Conscription Creating Tensions And Exodus

As military drafts tighten, young men face agonizing choices between duty to country and escaping conflict

Ukraine And Myanmar Expand Conscription Creating Tensions And Exodus

The landscape of military conscription is shifting dramatically across the globe as nations grapple with evolving conflicts, dwindling troop numbers, and societal unrest. This situation is especially acute in Ukraine and Myanmar, where the challenges faced by governments and young individuals reveal a parallel struggle: a battle between duty to the nation and the instinct for self-preservation.

In Ukraine, the aftermath of Russia's invasion in February 2022 has led to drastic measures aimed at retaining military-age men within national borders. Photographs abound of barbed wire fencing along the Tisza River—once a tranquil boundary now fortified to prevent men from leaving. Since the outbreak of war, Ukraine has barred the majority of military-age men from crossing into neighboring countries, resulting in a rising tide of individuals attempting illegal crossings, often aided by smugglers. The journey is fraught with peril; reports indicate that at least two dozen men have perished while attempting to make the treacherous swim across the cold, rushing waters.

According to Ukraine's border service, this mounting desperation is symptomatic of an acute and troubling reality on the ground. The Ukrainian military is currently suffering from a stark personnel shortage. As the toll of conflict mounts, and with units frequently outnumbered by advancing Russian forces, volunteer enthusiasm has all but evaporated. In the initial stages of the war, a wave of volunteers flooded into recruitment offices eager to defend their homeland. However, as casualties rose and the frontline stagnated, the willingness to serve has waned significantly.

In response, the Ukrainian government has stepped up its conscription efforts. Recently, a new law was enacted that lowers the conscription age and tightens regulations regarding military service. Conscription officers patrol the streets, intimidating military-age men with threats of removal from civilian life. This increased enforcement has driven many young men into hiding, fearful of being seized off the streets.

One young man, dubbed Ihor by the media for anonymity, has lived this reality. He fled Ukraine last year amidst fears of being drafted. Initially eager to defend his homeland, his perspective shifted after witnessing the harrowing return of his brother—injured and traumatized by the conflict. Family pressure mounted as his loved ones urged him to escape, worried about the dangers he faced.

"When the war had only just started, then there was more patriotism. And then I also wanted to go to the army," he remarked. His words echo the sentiments of many young men internally wrestling with the dual burdens of familial loyalty and national duty. As the situation has become increasingly dire, Ihor shared the inner conflict that surrounds leaving: "I have this feeling that my family are there under missile strikes, under constant air raid alerts, and I am here in safety. I am torturing myself. Why am I here and not there?"

The landscape of wartime Ukraine is marked by further complications as public dissent against the draft escalates. Disturbing videos depicting draft officials forcibly taking men from the streets elicit outrage, highlighting a troubling divide in society. Meanwhile, accusations circulate that the draft disproportionately impacts the impoverished, with wealthier individuals able to evade conscription by paying bribes. The ongoing conflict has placed Ukrainian men in a heartbreaking dilemma: whether to fight for their nation or protect their families back home.

The governance of conscription practices is conspicuously shifting as well; Ukraine is actively working to reform recruitment strategies by allowing some individuals to select non-combat roles, focusing on technical positions that utilize their unique skills instead. As interest in serving with volunteer battalions rises, hopefuls seek prestige in units reputed for superior training and management.

Amid these transitions, a hopeful sign has emerged through new enlistments; analysts note that tens of thousands of Ukrainians are now pursuing their military obligations and receiving essential training. Young men, like Denys—who left Ukraine in early 2023—express concern but resilience, stating that if he had the choice, he would opt for a support role instead of being thrust to the frontlines. "I will be killed in the first five minutes. It can help my country to win. Maybe. But I'm not sure about that," he confessed, emphasizing the uncertainty and fear that many bear.

Across the sea in Myanmar, the environment surrounding military service is similarly tumultuous but unique in its own right. The junta's recent introduction of conscription has heightened resistance from pro-democracy advocates and ethnic groups, leading to a wave of young men seeking escape. The Burma Affairs and Conflict Study (BACS) reports that since February, approximately 6,000 individuals have been recruited through a lottery system, with many conscripted against their will.

A palpable rise in the desire to escape has emerged after the abrupt national conscription law was enacted. Long lines snaked outside the Thai Embassy in Yangon as young people scrambled to secure visas. One individual, who fled to Thailand, detailed the distressing moment he learned his village would begin drafting men. Despite being part of anti-junta protests, the creeping reality of enforced military service spurred his decision to leave.

"The village chief was calling ten people at a time, so I left before my name made the list," he recounted, sharing harrowing experiences of crossing borders amid gunfire and airstrikes. For many, such perilous journeys are seen as the only path to survival amidst oppressive military governance.

The desperation among these young individuals has sparked both a flight response and a rallying cry for action against the junta's oppressive policies. Reports indicate that more are joining the resistance forces, many receiving military training from established ethnic armed factions. New alliances form as young people unite against the military regime’s brutality, asserting their identity and solidarity in resistance efforts.

A particularly poignant story comes from an 18-year-old female resistance fighter who shares the emerging unity among various ethnic groups in the face of adversity. "I have roots with both the Bamar and the Karen. In my stereotypical view, I never expected them to be so kind. But I have a new appreciation," she remarked, highlighting the power of coming together beyond ethnic identities towards a common purpose.

Yet, the military's response to this unrest reveals a moral crisis as desertions escalate; some estimates suggest over 8,000 soldiers have defected since the junta's last coup. This unprecedented defection indicates a significant erosion of loyalty among servicemen. Former Captain Win Naing Soe articulated his view on the military's decisions, calling its draft process a serious blunder, warning that the principal challenge comes from the unwavering ethic of resistance fighters.

Even in the conflict-stricken Rakhine State, the military's desperation underscores its vulnerability, employing tactics including forced recruitment of disenfranchised Rohingya young people, historically marginalized and persecuted. Social media has captured troubling images confirming that the military is enlisting these individuals to potentiate its forces even while denying them basic rights.

As the situation in both Ukraine and Myanmar continues to develop, the sacrifices endured by young individuals caught in the crosshairs of conflicting loyalties resonate deeply. The heartbreaking decisions between familial obligations and national duties illuminate a broader conversation regarding the ethics of conscription, the plight of civilians amidst war, and how armed conflict reshapes societies in dramatic ways.

This situation foreshadows a complex future where the struggle for autonomy clashes with societal expectations of loyalty. As nations navigate these turbulent waters, the trajectories of both Ukraine and Myanmar will undoubtedly serve as cautionary tales about the human costs of war, the implications of oppressive governance, and the resilient spirit of young individuals standing up for their beliefs around the world.

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