The new drama series titled Problem Property, which debuted on January 15 at 10 PM on Fuji TV, has quickly captured the attention of viewers. Featuring rising stars Ueda Ryuya and Uchida Rio, the series presents a unique blend of real estate mystery and supernatural intrigue.
Set against the backdrop of the real estate industry, Problem Property introduces its audience to Emiko Wakamiyai, played by Uchida Rio. After being transferred from the sales department to the newly established Special Sales Department, Emiko finds herself embarking on her first assignment at what seems to be the epitome of unwanted properties—a mansion where former tenants have met bizarre, tragic ends.
The narrative kicks off with Emiko's unsettling first day at the special department. Instead of the office, she is called to investigate the eerie allegations surrounding a room known as the "room where tenants die for certain." This room carries the haunting reputation of being linked to five consecutive tenant suicides, drawing fear and complaints from potential renters.
Ueda Ryuya portrays Masahiro Ooshima, the enigmatic heir who has taken on the role of the head of the Special Sales Department, dealing with various customer complaints. A peculiar detail is Masahiro’s fascination with the supernatural, which starkly contrasts with Emiko's aversion to anything ghostly. His character operates from the confines of his home due to being wheelchair-bound, leading to Emiko conducting her investigation alone, challenged yet intrigued by the task laid before her.
During her investigation, Emiko teams up with Kiyotaka Katayama, characterized by his quirky persona and unorthodox methods as they explore the depths of the infamous room. The eerie ambiance is heightened by the arrival of Koutaro Inu, played by Ueda Ryuya, who introduces himself with the whimsical line, "I am a dog." His carefree aura and unexpected antics surprise Emiko as they navigate their investigative path.
Uchida Rio, reflecting on her role, expressed her excitement and aspirations: "I will follow my dream to be assigned to the advertising department," emphasizing her character's ambitions intertwining with the series’ plot. Ueda Ryuya added excitement to the venture as he stated, "I am thrilled to work on such mysterious and exciting stories,” showcasing the enthusiasm both actors bring to the show.
The spirits of the past and the mysteries of current situations interlace, drawing viewers deep within the stories behind each property. With Ueda and Uchida’s compelling performances, the audience can expect thrilling twists and turns as mysteries unravel, keeping them on the edge of their seats.
Problem Property challenges traditional themes within the drama genre, intertwining real estate issues with supernatural elements, inviting viewers to explore whether the past truly influences the present and how the unknown can dictate life choices.
For audiences longing for intrigue mixed with the supernatural, this series delivers precisely what they seek. The unearthing of secrets lies at the forefront, creating conversations around how properties can bear the weight of their histories. Viewers can tune in weekly to unravel the chain of events surrounding Problem Property, share their own theories, and enjoy the peculiar charm brought forth by its lead characters.