The UAE government is continuing its commitment to humanitarian assistance during Ramadan by providing support to the UIN Ar-Raniry community and surrounding neighborhoods in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Through the Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation, the initiative includes the daily distribution of 1,500 iftar (breaking of fast) packages, food aid, and livestock donations for local festivities related to Ramadan.
Prof. Dr. Mujiburrahman, the Rektor of UIN Ar-Raniry, announced during the program’s launch, "Atas nama sivitas akademika dan masyarakat sekitar kampus, kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas dukungan ini. Amanah yang diberikan akan kami laksanakan dengan sebaik-baiknya, termasuk dalam proses distribusi hingga pelaksanaan di lapangan." This expresses gratitude for the generosity shown by the UAE to those most in need during this holy month.
The support provided by the UAE also encompasses the handing out of 500 food packages, aimed particularly at low-income staff and orphans, and ten cattle for the traditional meugang celebration, where communities share cooked meat among each other. This year's initiative promises to reach around 1,200 recipients, including cleaning staff, security personnel, educators, and families from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Prof. Mujiburrahman elaborated on how important this partnership is: "Kami berharap pembangunan Masjid UIN Ar-Raniry yang didanai Pemerintah UEA bisa segera terealisasi tahun ini." There are plans for a new mosque at UIN Ar-Raniry, funded by the UAE, and the laying of the foundation stone is scheduled for this year.
The vibrant iftar program is set to take place at Masjid Fathun Qarib on campus and caters to both the university's academic community and the local populace each evening during Ramadan. The initiative is enriched with religious discussions, competitions, and cultural displays to engage the community and deepen the cultural ties among participants.
Dr. H Muqni Affan Abdullah, the coordinator of the cooperation program between the UAE and UIN Ar-Raniry, commented on the importance of this collaboration, stating, "Bantuan ini merupakan bentuk kepercayaan Pemerintah UEA terhadap UIN Ar-Raniry." The expectation is to develop this relationship beyond charitable acts and explore academic joint ventures, enhancing the university's profile and educational outreach.
Throughout Ramadan, UIN Ar-Raniry is also hosting the Ar-Raniry Ramadan Fair (ARF), featuring various activities such as Ramadan parades, iktikaf (spiritual retreat), night prayers, and Al-Qur'an studies, showing the integrated approach to celebrating this holy month.
Overall, this annual support from the UAE reinforces the strong ties between the two nations and highlights the importance of charity and community involvement during the Islamic holy month. With such initiatives, the hope is to continue fostering goodwill and mutual respect, making Ramadan not just a month of fasting, but also one of giving and unity.