Today : Jan 24, 2025
15 December 2024

TV3's 2024 Marathon: Breathing Life Into Research

Annual fundraising campaign highlights respiratory health with diverse community involvement.

TV3's 2024 Marathon Fundraising Campaign is back, this time focusing on respiratory health, and it has set the stage for a day packed with emotion and solidarity. The campaign aims to raise funds for scientific research on respiratory diseases, emphasizing the importance of breathing—a simple act everyone does unconsciously but one that's life-changing when compromised.

"Avui ens adonarem de la importància d'un gest que tots fem centenars de milers de vegades cada dia de manera inconscient: respirar," said Albert Om, as he kicked off the event. The broadcast, which started at 9 AM on December 15, 2024, and will run until midnight, sees Om taking charge of the program solo for the second time, infusing the day with human stories alongside entertainment and scientific outreach.

This year, the event stretches across multiple locations, including Tarragona, with the Port serving as the nerve center of activities. Community members have mobilized for extensive fundraising efforts, from sporting events to cultural and gastronomic initiatives. There’s something for everyone, from the 13th edition of the Cursa de La Marató offering both 10 km and 5 km races, to delightful local culinary offerings like the popular fideuada organized by the Association of Neighbors of the Serrallo.

Rosa Romà, president of 3Cat, stresses the urgency of the campaign by stating, "millorar l'aire que respirem i apartar els joves del tabaquisme per evitar més malalties respiratòries és responsabilitat de tots." This remark underlines the campaign's slogan and its emphasis on youth education about the dangers of smoking and pollution, both leading causes of respiratory diseases.

Throughout the day, viewers will witness various connection points to different territories, each contributing to the day's total. The event is also set to tackle the staggering statistics: respiratory diseases are now the second leading cause of hospital admissions and the third leading cause of death. With around 350 types of respiratory disorders documented, including common diagnoses like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and allergies, the need for research funding is clearer than ever.

Stories of struggle and triumph pepper the event, including Llorenç's poignant account of his battle with obstructive sleep apnea. "Jo no m'havia dormit mai conduint, podia conduir 5 o 6 hores... I amb l'apnea, m'adormia," Llorenç shared, shedding light on the health consequences of undiagnosed conditions. With medical intervention and support from the marathon's fundraising, he found relief—a vivid reminder of how awareness can change lives.

Donations are welcomed through various channels, including calls to 900 21 50 50, internet donations, and bank transfers to support the foundation's work. People can also purchase the campaign's album, which dropped on December 1, available both physically and digitally, showcasing the musicians supporting the cause. This year's album commemorates 20 years of solidarity through music and is part of the broader fundraising initiative.

By the end of the day, organizers hope to surpass the previous year’s record contributions and drive home the message: being aware of respiratory health is not just beneficial—it's lifesaving. This event isn’t merely about raising funds but also about fostering community connections and shared responsibility toward improving health and wellbeing. The echo of solidarity rings clear, reminding everyone involved of the potential to turn simple acts of goodwill, like donating, breathing new life and hope to millions struggling with respiratory challenges across the globe.