Tsubaki Factory, the popular idol group under Hello! Project, faced the unfortunate cancellation of one of its members' performances due to health reasons. Runo Yofuu, only 17, announced on January 5, 2025, her withdrawal from the concert after being diagnosed with Influenza A.
According to the official account of Tsubaki Factory on X (formerly Twitter), Yofuu experienced fever and other symptoms the day before the concert and was examined at the hospital, where she received her diagnosis. The group stated, "Member Yofuu Runo has been diagnosed with Influenza A after showing symptoms of fever yesterday. Therefore, she will not attend the performance on January 5 as announced on our social media." This was not just any concert; it was part of the Hello! Project 2025 Winter Fes, which was held at the Shinagawa Stella Ball.
Yofuu had previously missed another event on January 4, and she expressed her disappointment on her blog. "I am really frustrated. I want to recover quickly and stand on stage. I want to sing the parts I've been assigned and dance at the place I was allocated. I really wanted to hold the concert," she wrote, reflecting the emotional toll of missing performances for both her and her fans.
The situation became more concerning, as Tsubaki Factory was experiencing health issues among its members. During the concert on January 4, it was reported was related to Runo's fever. Only six of the eleven members were able to perform. Five of them were absent due to illnesses.
Fortunately, there was some relief as Shiori Yagi, who had also experienced health difficulties, confirmed her participation for the January 5 performance, noting, "Now I am healthy again and will be performing." This brings hope for fans and the remaining members of the group, who are eager to continue their activities and performances.
The health of idol group members leads to increased concern among fans and the entertainment industry at large, especially as outbreaks like influenza can spread quickly within close quarters. For now, the Tsubaki Factory team is addressing these challenges with health as their primary concern, hoping for the speedy recovery of all its members.
Despite the setbacks, fans continue to express their support and encouragement for Runo Yofuu and the entire Tsubaki Factory group during this challenging time. With performances rescheduled and planned, they look forward to reuniting with their fans soon and performing live once again.