Today : Sep 18, 2024
Arts & Culture
13 September 2024

Trust Is Tested Amid The Rings Of Power

Greed and ambition take center stage as characters face dire consequences from their choices

Trust Is Tested Amid The Rings Of Power

Looks like Celebrimbor was right all along.

A little jewelry can transform a person. When someone gets engaged, many things change after they get their ring—sometimes, even their personality. It seems rings infused with dark magic have the same kind of impact on the wearers, eleviating their worst traits, and the latest episode of The Rings of Power reminds us just how Dwarven greed can be unleashed, especially when powered by such rings.

Episode 5 kicks off with the creation of the seven rings for the Dwarves, and King Durin III eagerly takes the Ring of Thrór. Almost immediately, he uses the ring's power to illuminate the cave, discovering sunlight where there was darkness. This act cheers the other Dwarves, even as Disa, Durin's wife, expresses her unease, fearing the ring's influence on her husband. With worries of corruption buzzing beneath the surface, Disa hopes Durin will remain kind and true, even as his behavior begins to shift.

While out shopping, Disa and Durin IV stumble upon the news of the new “ring tribute” tax—an extra tax imposed for every sale, effectively handing over part of their earnings to the crown. Such burdens appear to be fueling Durin’s growing greed. He soon reveals his plans to offer the other rings to the Dwarven rulers for half of their wealth, indicating his disregard for the well-being of those around him.

Meanwhile, the cheerful Dwarven celebration of their alliance with the Elves contrasts sharply with the brewing tensions. Annatar, also known as Sauron, is getting frustrated, still fixated on the idea of distributing rings of power to humans, something Celebrimbor firmly opposes. He tells Annatar, “Much of the misery of men is of their own making.” Celebrimbor is cautious, recognizing the corruption rings bring, though Annatar is undeterred, proclaiming, “Fine, I’ll do it myself.” Sauron’s intentions grow even murkier.

Chaos escalates when Celebrimbor’s protégé, Mirdania, tests one of the rings created by Annatar. Unfortunately, the results are wild and not in her favor. Mirdania becomes invisible but descends quickly toward madness as she glimpses what appears to be Sauron’s true evil self—a mirror of the One Ring's properties. Annatar, lurking nearby, pretends to comfort her, slyly manipulating her perceptions, causing her to believe the fiend she witnessed is inside Celebrimbor. Doubt starts to creep within the beautiful Elven society, putting Celebrimbor’s trust on the line.

Just when it seems the show will stay firmly on the Dwarven struggle, we shift back to Númenor, where King Pharazôn develops his resentment toward the Elves who are often portrayed as superior beings, living far too long for mortals' taste. He contemplates his mortality, yearning for even more power. His bitterness grows, showing no signs of retreat even now as he is crowned king. He feels cheated by time, envious of Elven immortality.

Mìriel, trapped high within the walls of her tower, resigns herself to being inactive. She reveals to Elendil her foreboding vision from the palantír—one filled with destruction. Elendil strolls back to his ship, only to find soldiers loyal to Pharazôn stripping his friends of rank and duty. Caught up in the power shifts, tensions heighten when Eärien delivers harsh words to her father, who’s already mourning his fallen son. Kemen, Pharazôn’s henchman, reminds Elendil of his standing but offers little hope.

During a Valar service for lost soldiers from battles against Adar, Elendil finally seeks closure for his son’s death—only to be interrupted by Pharazôn’s soldiers. They force everyone out, leading to chaos and strife. Valandil is killed amid this hostility, and Elendil finds himself imprisoned for opposing the king's men. What was once harmony now exists as pure havoc among the Númenorean ranks.

Back to the Dwarves, we see Durin IV making efforts to warn his father about the sinister powers tied to the rings, but King Durin’s greed has overtaken him so completely he can’t see the truth. The corrupting influence of power is producing increased tension and struggle within their kingdom, and Disa finds herself helplessly watching this dark transformation.”

Based on the events above, it’s easy to see why the theme of trust runs thick through this episode, especially concerning the power of the rings. Men and Dwarves alike struggle against their impulses, grappling with the choices forged from such temptations. It implies there's little distinction between the lot of them—greed corrupts through the very rings crafted with the intent of power but is often misunderstood as merely demonic possession. Celebrimbor's quest for the greater good stands against the winds of desperation and greed.

What’s concerning is the absence of straightforward communication around these rings. Rogers, the one seeking power through deception, leads them astray. The rising tension between the Dwarves, Elves, and Men hints at battles yet to come, reflecting the struggles each race shares. They all carry burdens—shadows of their ambitions linger, promising they won’t emerge unscratched. It’s dramatically compelling to see how much peril these characters endure due to their desires.

Even as they seem united, the weight of one ring can create fissures so vast. Just as Disa wants her husband to remain benevolent, we also see Eärien bewitching her father; seducing him to achieve the agency she craves. The thirst for leadership sets against the backdrop of deceit—there may be more than meets the eye.

The closing beats of the episode bring to light the overarching lesson within the stormy dynamics of friendship, loyalty, and ambition. It reminds us of the price each character pays for their choices, setting the stage for the chaos promised. The newfound Dwarven rings may hold different fates; for Durin, they've already begun to twist his character. For Celebrimbor and Annatar, the means to achieving grand power and ambitions lie precariously close. Will they navigate such treacherous waters unscathed, or will ambition overwhelm them too? Only time will tell as the quest for power intertwines with betrayal in the upcoming episodes.

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